Former Women of Warriors from 4 Countries Compiled in Aceh, What's Up?

in esteem •  7 years ago 

From Saturday to Sunday (11-12 / 2/2018) at Hotel Pade Sabang held a unique workshop.

Participants are limited to 20 people. It consists only of brave women, ex-combatants (commander and trainer / mualim) of women's troops from four countries.

they came from representatives of MILF and MNLF women fighters (Mindanao, Philippines), CNF (Myanmar), PLA (Nepal), and Laskar Inong Balee, GAM (from Aceh, Indonesia)
The training in the enclosed space was named Workshop of Female Combatants to Post-War Democratic Leaders; Building a Regional Peer-Advice Network (Transformation of Womens Warrior Fighters Becomes Leaders by Establishing Knowledge Sharing Networks at the Regional Level).

according to the Executive Director of the Katahati Institute, Raihal Fajri, told on Monday (12/2/2018) morning in Banda Aceh, the workshop was held on the cooperation of Berghof Foundation, Germany, Shadia Marhaban and Katahati Institute.

the activities took place from 9-14 February 2018 in Banda Aceh and Sabang, beginning with a dinner at the Pendapa Govera Aceh Restaurant on the evening of February 9 by Governor Irwandi Yusuf with his wife, Darwati A Gani .

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