☄Street lights ☄

in esteem •  6 years ago 
Street lights or in Indonesia called PJU (public street lighting) is very important in providing by the government because every local government as a form of service on road lighting tax paid by the community. This Public Street Lighting System not only has the function of lighting only, but PJU is also to determine further how a Public Street lighting system is designed and planned by the party governing urban planning.

The local government provides lights on the highway of course very useful and function among others,

  1. Navigation User Road

  2. User Security and Safety

  3. Environmental Beauty

  4. Provide commercial benefits (for example: as media for the placement of advertisements) and others that can account for all parties.

If the street lights are functioned as road users navigation then the PJU must have strong lighting, flat light, no glare, the color of light does not interfere and does not affect the color of objects around the road environment.

Then PJU functioned as a means of safety and safety of road users, the PJU should pay attention to several aspects such as Light color can penetrate the mist, determine the minimum limit of dimming the light at the intensity or strong light limits are still safe for road users, and the surrounding environment.



greetings from me @fatahillah4600

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Cool photos. I love seeing the colors at hyper-speed.