Materials And Spices Required
Main ingredients
oyster mushrooms, wash clean, sliced lengthwise
onion 1 piece, roughly sliced
red pepper 3 small slices of iris
garlic 2 grains, roughly chopped
leek 1 stalk, sliced transversely
1 tablespoon oyster sauce
fish sauce to taste
soy sauce to taste
pepper to taste
salt to taste
the oil for frying
water ripe to taste
How to make a Healthy Oyster Mushroom Sauce:
Saute garlic and onion until fragrant. Then add the green onion and cayenne pepper, stir-fry until wilted. add oyster mushrooms, mix well.
Enter a little water, soy sauce, oyster sauce, fish sauce, salt pepper. Cook until all the ingredients and seasonings permeate. Lift. Serve.