The term 'Yellow Campus' begins popular compilations on DM and senate Finger students at Headquarters Battalion 202 Tajimalela

in esteem •  7 years ago 


The term 'Yellow Campus' begins
popular compilations on DM and senate
Finger students at Headquarters
Battalion 202 Tajimalela, Bekasi.
Military then move with
sending a tank into a number
major campuses in Indonesia.
Since then the campus has been immersed
and quiet again. Even
Then apply kosep
NKK (Normalization of Life
Campus) are voiced by
Daud Jusuf from the CSIS
then became Mendikbud,
degan apply BKK (Agency
Student Coordination),
Which dissolve the DM and the senate
students in Indonesia. Since
poverty campus becomes deserted
kemahasiswaaan activities. Moreover
then apply also system
college with SKS (Credit System
Semester) as a whole piece of
NKK / BKK. And student movement
a new rise back about 20
years later in 1998 as
the reform movement.

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