A. Background
.......Education is the right of citizens, including education at an early age is the right of citizens to develop their potential from an early age. Based on various studies that early age is the best foundation in developing life in the future. In addition, education at an early age can optimize the basic abilities of children in receiving the educational process at an early age.
.......Early childhood education is the level of education before the level of primary education which is a coaching effort that is shown for children who are born until the age of six which is conducted through the provision of educational stimuli to help their physical and spiritual growth and development in order to have readiness to enter further education. held on formal, non-formal and informal channels.
........The goal of early childhood education is to stimulate and assist physical and spiritual growth and development so that children have readiness to enter further education, and develop all the potential and creativity of children in accordance with the characteristics of their development in order to be able to adapt to the environment.
........The media used in the learning process of early childhood education are: story books or dogeng, flannel boards and equipment, geometric boards, puzzles, blocks.
........So it can be said that PAUD where children learn to socialize, faces the problem of self-reliance, independence, confidence, and as the main capital of children to enter a more complex and broad world. So in usha the formation of character and personality is very important and strategic.
2. Problem Formulation.
a. What is the definition of early childhood education
b. What are early childhood education according to experts
c. What are the objectives of early childhood education
d. What are the sources and media for learning early childhood education
3. Problems
........In order for knowledge about early childhood education to be broader and we can find out how the learning system in early childhood education.
4. Benefits
......this paper can be used as one of the learning media that is useful for the reader.
A. Understanding Early Childhood Education
......In Indonesia the notion of early childhood is shown to children aged 0-6 years Act Number 20 of 2003 concerning Early Childhood Education System, it can be seen in article 1 point 14 which states that: early childhood education is a coaching effort aimed at to children from birth to six years of age carried out through the provision of educational stimuli to have readiness to enter further education.
......Furthermore, Article 28 states that early childhood education can be conducted through formal, non-formal and informal education channels. PAUD on non-formal pathways can be in the form of play groups (KB), Child Care Parks (TPA).
.......Early age is a golden age, but at the same time a very critical period in the stage of human development. The results revealed that up to the age of 4 years the level of intelligence capability of children has reached 50% at the age of 8 years reaching 80% and above. Bredekamp and Copple (1997) suggest that early childhood education includes a variety of programs that serve children from birth to eight years designed to improve children's development, intellectual, social, emotional, language, and physical.
B. Early Childhood Education According to Experts
........In the history of early childhood developers there are several philosophers whose thoughts underlie early childhood education to date, in a nutshell the philosophies of the philosophers are as follows:
According to Jonn loke (1632-1704)
...... Saying that a child is born in a state like white paper so that the environment that influences the formation of the environment that fills the blank paper is called experience.
According to Jean Jaques Rousseau
......Saying that influences the child's own development or develops naturally. Education must let children grow without child intervention from one another.
According to Friedrich Froebel (1782-1852)
....... Saying from birth and going through childhood, one has to live life according to its natural development, a child brings good qualities, the bad nature of children arises because of wrong education.
According to Maria Montessori (1870-1952)
........Saying that education begins at birth. Young babies need to be introduced to people and voices, invited to play and chat so that children can develop into normal, happy children.
C. Purpose of Early Childhood Education
.......The purpose of early childhood education (PAUD) in general is to build a foundation for developing the potential of children to be faithful and devoted to the Almighty God, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, critical, creative, innovative, independent, confident and become democratic and responsible citizens.
1. Solehuddin (1997)
......Stating that early childhood education is intended to facilitate the growth and development of children optimally and comprehensively with the norms and values of life adopted.
2. Suyanto (2005)
.... To find out that the aim of PAUD is to develop the whole potential of children (the whole child) so that later they can function as humans according to the philosophy of a nation.
D. Resources and Media for Early Childhood Education Learning
a. The sources used for learning media for PAUD are:
Story books or fairy tales and Flannel boards and accessories
Geometric boards, puzzles, and beams and cooking tools
Chalkboard (white or black bord) and stationery
Tape Recorder and VCD Player along with cassette and VCD stories or VCD songs.
b. Early Childhood Competency Standards
......Early childhood education in developing aspects of learning must refer to early childhood competency standards as:
Moral and religious values
......In general, the religious and moral values taught are positive behavior, independence, discipline, honesty and other behaviors.
Social and Emotional
.....Students can develop social skills through a process of socialization.
Physical or motoric
......Educators must be able to stimulate physical and motoric development according to age.
.....Children are encouraged to master the ability to communicate according to their development.
Cognitive and art
....It can be developed in music, dance, drawing art.
A. Conclusion
.......Early Childhood Education (PAUD) has become a shared responsibility, parents, community and government as a solid foundation in character building and child development. Early Childhood Education (PAUD) is held for children from birth to six years.
........As stated in Law No.20 of 2003 concerning early childhood education is a coaching effort that is shown to children from birth to six years of age which is carried out through the provision of educational stimuli to help growth and physical and spiritual development so that children have readiness to enter education Furthermore.
From the description above, the writer in this case submits several suggestions including:
a. Socialization of the importance of early childhood education must be carried out, because based on the existing data the rate of community participation in early childhood education is still very low.
b. The qualifications for early childhood education must be improved both in terms of academic qualifications and in the form of training and other training.
My work is 2018 by @good-darma
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