Membahas tentang ikan bawal ( colossoma macropomum )

in esteem •  7 years ago 

Bawal air tawar saat ini banyak diminati sebagai ikan konsumsi paling banyak di budidayakan di daerah jawa. Bawal mempunyai beberapa ke istimewaan, di antara nya pertumbuhan cukup cepat, nafsu makan tinggi serta termasuk pemakan segalanya (omnivora), lebih banyak makan daun daunan, daya tahan yang tinggi terhadap kondisi limnologi yang ekstrim, dengam rasa daging nya pun cukup enak hampir meyerupai daging ikan gurami.
Bawal fresh water is currently in great demand as the most consumed fish in the cultivation area of ​​Java. Pomfret has some of the specialties, among which the growth is quite fast, the appetite is high and includes the eater of everything (omnivorous), the more eating the leaves of the daunan, the high endurance against extreme limnologi conditions, with its meat flavor is quite tasty almost similar to meat carp.

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dimana bisa dibeli bibit ikan bawal ini?

posisi saya di banda aceh.

^^ mari saling bantu dengan saling FOLLOW dan VOTE. ^^