Benefits of pomegranate

in esteem •  7 years ago 

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After knowing the public trust to the pomegranate and the content of this pomegranate, what exactly are the benefits that we can get in consuming these red pomegranate? Here we present the description of the benefits of red pomegranate consumption for you.

a. For the health of the body

  1. Helps the body in fighting cancer

Red pomegranate is believed to have the ingredients of ellagitannis substances that successfully prevent cancer cells in the body becomes active and growing. A study of red pomegranates also showed that red pomegranate juice has the ability to inhibit the development of cancer such as prostate cancer, breast, colon and lung. Other research as in International Journal of Oncology (2008) also mentioned that the therapy of pomegranate juice extract can reduce the size and density of tumors substantially.

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  1. Increase fertility and sexual function

Another benefit of red pomegranate juice consumption is that it can help improve sexual performance and fertility in humans. This is in accordance with the research C.P Forest published in the International Journal of Impotence Research (2007) that pomegranate juice can improve erectile function with erectile dysfunction in men. The possible cause is that this pomegranate juice contains nitric oxide that allows blood vessel walls such as the penis to increase to allow for erection. It is also agreed in LJ Ignaro's research on Nitric Oxide (2006). In addition, G. Turk in Clinical Nutrition (2008) also mentioned that the consumption of pomegranates can also help improve sperm quality

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