benefits of jackfruit for health

in esteem •  6 years ago 

good afternoon ,, how are you steemit all hopefully healthy always. i want to share some tips for the health of jackfruit


Benefits of jackfruit for health

Jackfruit fruit has a soft and easily digested meat with simple sugar content such as fructose and sucrose.
100 g of jackfruit consumed will provide 95 calories. When the jackfruit is eaten it will instantly recharge the energy and revitalize the body immediately.
But not too much in one meal, because it will cause gas in the stomach.





selamat siang ,, apa kabar steemit semuanya mudah mudahan sehat selalu.saya ingin berbagi sedikit tips untuk kesehatan dari buah nangka.

Buah nangka ini memiliki daging yang lembut dan mudah dicerna dengan kandungan gula sederhana seperti fruktosa dan sukrosa. 100 g nangka yang dikonsumsi akan menyediakan 95 kalori. Ketika buah nangka ini dimakan akan langsung mengisi ulang energi dan merevitalisasi tubuh dengan segera. Tapi jangan terlalu banyak dalam sekali makan, karena akan menimbulkan gas dalam perut.




terimakasih atas kunjungan nya ,,, semoga bermanfaat buat sobat steemit semuanya,

Follow my blog @irsya118

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Today itself I cooked curry of jack fruit and it was really very very tasty and delicious and let me tell you that most vitamins are there in this.

Thank you.

so pingin eat the cuisine @crypto let alone fruit jack that many vitamins .. yes same buddy