in esteem •  6 years ago  (edited)

hello all...


Residents of Kampung Gelung, Seruway Aceh Tamiang District were stunned with the discovery of a giant crocodile in the palm plantation of residents, Buava with paniana 5 meters and weighing about 1 ton more.


Afraid Reftil is entering the village residents, mansyur with his friends make the initiative to directly capture by using makeshift equipment and successfully captured and at the stem on the edge of the garden path.


Warga Kampung Gelung, Kecamatan Seruway Aceh Tamiang digegerkan dengan penemuan buaya raksasa di kebun sawit warga,Buava dengan paniana 5 meter dan berat sekitar 1 ton lebih. image

Takut Reftil tersebut masuk perkampungan warga, mansyur bersama teman nya membuat inisiatif untuk langsung menangkap dengan menggunakan peralatan seadanya dan berhasil di tangkap dan di taruk di pinggir jalan kebun. image

Terima kasih telah berkunjung ke blog saya follow my @irsya118

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