
in esteem •  7 years ago 

Often a tree is measured by its ability to burn clay in a brick production kitchen, a number of pieces of wood cooking or just the price of a piece of wood for an escavator / becho footprint / footprint.

a number of pine trees that had been planted through the reforestation program of BRR NAD-Nias several years ago are so valuable. Spruce shade on Turtle beach, Leupung become media "field lecture" for the students from various universities.

hopefully the beaches in Aceh are more ornately decorated with pine springs like beach turtles.


Seringkali sebatang pohon diukur dengan kemampuannya membakar tanah liat di dapur produksi bata, sejumlah potongan kayu masak atau sebatas harga sepotong kayu untuk gambangan/tapak pijak escavator/becho.

Sejumlah pohon cemara yang pernah ditanam melalui program penghijauan BRR NAD-Nias beberapa tahun lalu begitu bernilai. Rindang cemara di pantai Penyu, Leupung jadi media "kuliah lapang" bagi para mahasiswa dari berbagai perguruan tinggi.

Semoga pantai-pantai di Aceh lebih banyak dihiasi rimbun cemara seperti dipantai Penyu....

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