flag and the symbol of the state of Aceh, the national liberation front

in esteem •  6 years ago  (edited)


this paper is intended to straighten understanding of the existence of Assembly government free Aceh movement (mutiplayer-GAM). Very regrettable, ambitions power some people are dilingkaran movement the struggle has led to the conflict between fellow officials GAM.
Even innocent people even join a victim defamation it. This paper are not intended to open a disgrace others, Moreover, it concerns about the existence of friends arms.
But given the kesimpang-siura N history deliberately created, which may be a result of the infiltration interests kep entingan foreigners to disrupt the internal consolidation, then this paper would I need to write. That said again today, news fictitious it has grown in Aceh people, and there is no party who has the authority of the history of bold straighten it.

Late TGK Hasan M. in Tiro ever notice "something wrong will be considered to be true, when the most people say it right, instead of truth known to be enforced although we only a self". A little flash back, mutiplayer-GAM is organs formed in Kuala Lumpur in 1999, by the senior GAM still loyal to the struggle.

Initiative the formation of this Assembly is an attitude anticipatory given the health conditions Guardian start decreased due to stroke August 1997, coupled with the fact rancunya consolidation struggle after taken over by Malik Mahmud. Malik have to get rid of relatively 90% loyalists struggle in Stockholm and Malaysia, including Army chief TGK. M. David Husin. Some important figure early generation is no longer have a place. In contrast Malik began building hegemony power with people who are relatively easy dikendalikannya. Indirectly, can we conclude that Malik have done coup line leadership. Many people forget or not knowing that (ALM.) TGK. Hasan M. in Tiro has established Assembly countries and signed the decree on March 17, 1979, shortly before he left out the country. Decree the confirms that in the condition of the Guardian state absent, such as pain or out of state, the government run by the Council of ministers (Council of ministers), headed by Prime Minister with some deputy Prime Minister.

Inside the conditions absent remain, such as death, then leadership replaced is a row in accordance with the ranking seniority defined as follows: Prime Minister-1 (pm-1): Dr. Badji Y. hasbi, vice pm-1: TGK. Haji Ilyas leube, vice pm-2: Dr. Husaini Hasan, vice pm-3: Dr. Zaini Abdullah, and vice pm-4: Dr. Zubir Mahmud. Order this set based seniority leadership in Central comittee National Liberation front of atjeh Sumatra. It is rooted in the book "the unfinished diary of the TGK. Hasan Tiro ", edition 1982 page 219. the same book has reprinted in 1986 but some changes browse and substance reason pragmatism and interests and justification of power.

Decree also strengthened and signed by the madjelis Minister in meeting in jeans wilajah peureulak early 1980, two months after TGK. Hasan set out the country. This meeting followed by Dr. Badji Y. hasbi, TGK. Hadji Ilyas leube, Dr. Husaini Hasan, and Dr. Zubir Mahmud. While the Dr.. Zaini Abdullah is in the region pidie with TGK. Mohammad David Husin. Ministers other part has been arrested as TGK. Mohammad Tahir Husin, or imprisoned like TGK Muhammad lampoih awe and some have "down the Mountain". Two Minister of the other permanent residency in Singapore, namely Malek Mahmud and his brother, Amir Mahmud.

The initiator formation mutiplayer-GAM of them is TGK Idris Mahmud (governor region peureulak), TGK. Muhammad Mahmud (commanders territory peureulak), TGK. Abdullah krueng (chairman of the Assembly of people tuha in Kuala Lumpur), TGK. Robert suryadarma (commander Aceh large), TGK. Solomon Amen (commander wilajah batee iliek) and a number of high-ranking graduates Libya force first. This institution functioned as Assembly government emergency when the leadership of the highest movement is in the condition of in-absentia.

Disaming that, this initiative is also the response above the weakening the consolidated under the leadership Malek Mahmud. Malek changed radically all lines leadership previous there. A number of documents results meeting has been sent to headquarters GAM in Europe for approval further. Headquarters discuss these documents and decided to support the existence of Assembly. The blessing of MB this leave dissatisfaction circle's leadership Malik Mahmud that comes down to the murder TGK. Haji Usman Pasi, TGK. Abdul Wahab and teuku Don zulfahri.
Further than that, mutiplayer-GAM maligned as agent Jakarta, which in collaboration with the government of Indonesia and agreed to receive autonomy to Aceh. No doubt, defamatory this was a sustainable so that arise threat and pengkambing-hit safe for any failure struggle GAM.
But today, people can assess its own, who actually received autonomy Aceh? Or who betray the proclamation of 1976, and dissolve the resistance ?. While the movement guided by Malek Mahmud and Zaini Abdullah has also been dissolved and replaced by Aceh party (Pa) that today are busy with some agenda pragmatic, such as seize chairs governor.

Hope, writing this brief benefit the younger generation Aceh, especially in to see the history of Aceh objectively and free from defamation-defamation group interested. As one of the perpetrator history, I feel it is necessary straightened out to-ideals achieve the sovereignty of as a nation valuable self, as well as in order menwujudkan peace and Justice, we can achieve together. Still many things that I can share (sharing) and we need to discuss further, based on data and the fact that there. To God also we ask forgiveness him.
Some of fighters atjeh independent 70s asked me to convey who actually Malik Mahmud mentioned as meuntroe Malek. Without the mean to spread the gossip Moreover, libel contemptible, but because of goodwill and sincere for the sake of the younger generation Aceh to come and for the sake of the consistency of demeanor Warriors old am then I convey the facts in accordance life experience I know for this. Malik Mahmud during this title itself as meuntroe Malek even in the draft qanun Guardian nanggroe designed by most of the children Aceh party put Malik Mahmud as Prime Minister and after the death of Noble Excellency Hasan Tiro then Malik Mahmud preparing to replace it.
Whereas the real name is actually khila bin Mahmud aka Malik haytar bin Mahmud. He stayed with his mother in Singapore, not how fluent in Aceh. His father's descendants of India born in Aceh. He used handyman tenteng (bring) bags Hasan Tiro.
He is become mastermind quoting funds workers contract Acehnese in Malaysia since 1985. he is also the mastermind of the events semenyih (Malaysia) in 1997 the expense of tens Acehnese. Since the pain Guardian state Hasan Tiro in 1997, the practical command GAM was in his hand. Steps GAM under the leadership of Malik Mahmud (mm) very much different GAM we lead at the beginning (me and Hasan Tiro and fighters am other).
Although the name mm has been listed as Minister of state in 1976, but that makes mm influential in GAM started in 1987, when he got the task to recruit young children of Aceh and from Malaysia for trained in Libya and from Libya sent back to Aceh.
All of them before returning Aceh should also through mm. All youth exercise Libya only knew the mm as a leader am, do not know nothing the ins and outs of ideology am apatah again the history of the pre am. It is not wonder if the line struggle TNA under mm different than the objectives the beginning.
The outline GAM mm secede from the people. They show itself as a ruler and dictate the people. Who rebel immediately followed. There are only two levels, including: run command or pay tax set or your orphan, loss of his father.
Not only to the people, even to the co-arms different opinion directly shifted, maligned and not a bit of the death penalty. Examples of co-arms I mean: T. Don zulfahri, TGK. Haji Usman, TGK. Abdul Wahab, TGK. Abdullah shafii etc. Guraa Rahman maligned and diperangkap to put in prison Malaysia. TGK. David Husin maligned and removed from the office and ruled kill. Of the alleged murder djafar siddik bachelor of law, Prof. Safwan Idris, and Prof. Dr. Dayan David was nothing to-pautnya with usurpation among Acehnese and in the business cleaning political opponents mm. Background mm less clear and basic education that have not been proven to make mm assessed by Warriors old am not worth Occupy position as right now.
Although we, not so close to a wide him with young GAM now many recruited by him since the first. Therefore, we intend to reveal the facts in the forum that either credible, deserve it or not as he hoped the youth Aceh remain vigilant above all gentle persuasion and sedition charged personal interest people "said" as fighters Aceh. Hopefully Aceh remain always under the patronage his from people nasty and damned. Insyaallah.

Actors history, living in Sweden, Dr. Husaini Hasan is the Minister of education free Aceh class 1976.

Source: dailyaceh.co.id.

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