The Weekend Market # Pasar Murah di Hari Pekan.

in esteem •  7 years ago 


All people who live in the community, definitely need a shop name, because shopping is the need of every human being.

The market is a busy place to visit people every day, because in the market is a place to get all the necessities in our lives.

In every place must have a market name, because every life there must be selling. As in our place every week there must be a cheap market.



The cheap market is very helpful to the inhabitants around him. Because in the cheap market is sold various daily needs. Starting from food, clothing, home appliances and many other items that are often needed by the community. With the cheap market, the people around him feel very helpful. In addition to the affordable price, the quality of goods traded was pretty good, according to standards.

For those of you who want to shop in the market Cheap, immediately visit our place on every Wednesday. Who is located in the village Tanjong Mesjid Samudera Geudong subdistrict, North Aceh.

See you soon ... @ jin-kyiong ..!



Semua orang yang hidup bermasyarakat, pasti perlu yang namanya berbelanja, karena belanja adalah kebutuhan setiap insan.

Pasar merupakan tempat yang ramai dikunjungi orang setiap harinya, karena di pasar tersebut adalah tempat untuk mendapatkan semua keperluan dalam hidup kita.

Di setiap tempat pasti memiliki yang namanya pasar, karena setiap ada kehidupan pasti ada yang berjualan. Seperti di tempat kami setiap seminggu sekali pasti adanya pasar Murah.



Pasar murah sangat membantu para penduduk disekitar Nya,. Karena di pasar murah tersebut dijual berbagai keperluan sehari-hari. Mulai dari makanan, pakaian, peralatan rumah tangga dan banyak lagi barang lain yang sering diperlukan oleh masyarakat. Dengan adanya pasar Murah tersebut, masyarakat disekitar nya merasa sangat terbantu. Selain harganya yang terjangkau, kualitas barang yang diperjual belikan pun cukup bagus, sesuai standar.

Bagi Anda yang ingin berbelanja di pasar Murah, segera kunjungi tempat kami di setiap hari Rabu. Yang beralamat di desa tanjong masjid kecamatan Samudera Geudong, Aceh Utara.

Sampai jumpa... @jin-kyiong..!

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Belanja apa mbak, hee

Belanja apa aja mas.. Semuanya lengkap disini.

Hehe, lanjutkan mbk