A place in the village of july Keude Dua has a production business Jernang that is at the home of brother Mulyadi.
This business has been cultivated for 10 years. the result of processed jernang fruit that has become flour in packets per kilo and sold to the north sumatera field in big businessmen.
By large entrepreneurs in the field of flour jernang is exported abroad such as China, Singapore and korea to be used as dye and as medicine
The process to get the essence of flour jernang done in a way destroyed with a pestle (jingkie) aceh red.
After the fruit material is destroyed until smooth and then mixed with water and then strained to get a sari is smooth and clean.
Then dried to dry and become flour. after that new bundled for sale.
Similarly, a brief story about entrepreneurs jernang and thank for the readers.
thanks esteem @good-karma steemit
By. @juliyafunna