[Bilingual] I clicked on eSteem on StateOfTheDApps.com, You ??

in esteem •  6 years ago  (edited)


English Language

Hello esteemian..

There is an Indonesian saying "dimana bumi dipijak disana langit dijunjung" or in english "where the earth you are stepped up, there is the sky you must upheld", meaning that where you are get a lot of opportunities, conveniences and rewards, your thanks shown by giving attention and support.

At this point, as far as I know, #eSteem is one of the platforms that provides all of the above and certainly this app so consistent to support esteem users. Now, #esteem is being included in the favorite application category among steem-based applications here

Come on esteemian, show your support for the "sky" that has been supporting you. It's not about winning or losing, it's about support, attention and revealing your gratitude.

#esteem grows and is strong because of your support.

Please support esteem and Follow the guidlines below, easy and fast.

1. Open this link (https://www.stateofthedapps.com/)


2. Click on the "ranking" section.


3. There are lots of Dapps, Select and click on "eSteem"


4. Pay attention to the middle right, you will see the smiley there, press the "smile" your number participate will show there.


5. A column will appear and "fill in the box with your account name (exp. Done by @khaimi).


6. Press "submit feedback"

7. Done


Don't forget after you finish your steep, pleas call your esteemian friends to provide similar support. I invite my friends, @midun, @deltasteem, @lord-geraldi, @ainee @tata-natana.

Special thanks to @esteemapp, @good-karma @horpey, @erikah and @owner99 @khanza.aulia for rewarding my creativity. God Bless you All.

Bahasa Indonesia

Hello esteemian..

Ada sebuah pepatah dimana bumi dipijak disitu langit dijunjung, artinya dimana tempat kita banyak mendapatkan kesempatan, kemudahan dan penghargaan maka berterimakasihlah sekurang-kurangnya adalah dengan memberikan perhatian dan dukungan.

Saat ini setahu saya, #eSteem adalah salah satu platform yang paling banyak memberikan semua hal di atas itu dan konsisten. Nah saat ini, #esteem sedang disertakan dalam kategori aplikasi terfavorite diantara aplikasi-aplikasi berbasis steem disini

Ayo tunjukan dukunganmu terhadap "langit" yang selama ini mendukungmu. Ini bukan tentang menang atau kalah, ini tentang dukungan, perhatian dan menguak sisi terimakasihmu.

#esteem tumbuh dan kuat karena dukunganmu.

Ikuti Cara berikut ini, mudah dan cepat.

1. Buka link ini https://www.stateofthedapps.com/


2. Klik pada bagian "rangking".


3. Disana terdapat banyak Dapp, Pilih dan klik pada "eSteem"


4. Perhatikan bagian kanan tengah, kamu akan melihat smiley disana, tekan smiley "senyum"


5. Akan muncul kolom dan "isilah kotak itu dengan nama akunmu (exp. Done by @khaimi).


6. Tekan "submit feedback"

7. Done


Jangan lupa setelah setelah selesai tandai teman-teman esteemian untuk memberikan dukungan serupa. Saya memangil kawan-kawan saya, @midun, @deltasteem, @lord-geraldi, @ainee @tata-natana.

Terimakasih yang Spesial kepada @esteemapp, @good-karma @horpey, @erikah dan @owner99 @khanza.aulia yang telah memberikan penghargaan atas kreatifitas saya. God Bless you All.

Thanks for stopping by

My best Regard


Posted Using eSteem surfer

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my choice is Dtube ;)


  ·  6 years ago (edited)

This post contained some typos in its mentions that have been corrected in less than a day. Thank you for your quick edit !

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thanks @checky, ready fix it.


Posted using Partiko Android

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Siapp bg @khaimi insyaalloh besok ya... 😊😊

Posted using Partiko Android

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