Hey guys thread ini adalah tentang cara install TWRP (official) di Redmi 5A / riva tanpa root.
- PC
- Driver Fastboot
- Unlocked Bootloader
- Flashing file twrp
- Download file. Link diberikan di ujung benang.
- Booting perangkat Anda ke mode Fastboot (matikan tombol daya tekan negara + tombol volume bawah).
- Sambungkan perangkat Anda dari komputer.
- Sekarang buka folder download dan jalankan file "Flash.bat".
- Akhirnya tekan sembarang tombol untuk melanjutkan.
- Sekarang ponsel anda akan otomatis boot ke TWRP.
- Sekarang Anda telah berhasil melepaskan Twrp.
Catatan :-
- Ini khusus untuk Redmi 5A dan jika Anda mencoba perangkat lain ini mungkin Anda akan bricking perangkat Anda!
- Saya tidak bertanggung jawab atas perangkat bertali, kartu SD mati, perang termonuklir, atau Anda dipecat karena aplikasi alarm gagal.
Jangan lupa untuk menyukai dan membalas ....
#Buka tautan di browser Anda (lebih suka menggunakan Chrome) .....
Tautan: - https://drive.google.com/open?id=15qKNIkBR8gT73fnlEgX7IPqQokQ5Y5al
[Tools, Tips & Tutorials] How to install TWRP (Official) in Redmi 5A (Riva)
Hey guys this thread is about how to install TWRP (official) in Redmi 5A / riva without root.
- PC
- Fastboot Drivers
- Unlocked Bootloader
- Flashing twrp file
- Download the file. Link given in the end of the threads.
- Boot your device into Fastboot mode (in power off state press power button + volume down button).
- Connect your device from pc.
- Now open the downloaded folder and run the file "Flash.bat".
- At last press any key to continue.
- Now your phone will automatically boot into TWRP.
- Now you have sucessfully flashed Twrp.
Note :-
- This is Exclusively for Redmi 5A and if you try this any other device probably you will be bricking your device!!
- I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards, thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed.
Don't forget to like and reply....
#Open the link in your browser (prefer using Chrome).....
Link :- https://drive.google.com/open?id=15qKNIkBR8gT73fnlEgX7IPqQokQ5Y5al