[Tools, Tips & Tutorials] Cara menginstal TWRP (Official) di Redmi 5A (Riva)

in esteem •  7 years ago 


Hey guys thread ini adalah tentang cara install TWRP (official) di Redmi 5A / riva tanpa root.


  1. PC
  2. Driver Fastboot
  3. Unlocked Bootloader
  4. Flashing file twrp


  1. Download file. Link diberikan di ujung benang.
  2. Booting perangkat Anda ke mode Fastboot (matikan tombol daya tekan negara + tombol volume bawah).
  3. Sambungkan perangkat Anda dari komputer.
  4. Sekarang buka folder download dan jalankan file "Flash.bat".
  5. Akhirnya tekan sembarang tombol untuk melanjutkan.
  6. Sekarang ponsel anda akan otomatis boot ke TWRP.
  7. Sekarang Anda telah berhasil melepaskan Twrp.

Catatan :-

  • Ini khusus untuk Redmi 5A dan jika Anda mencoba perangkat lain ini mungkin Anda akan bricking perangkat Anda!
  • Saya tidak bertanggung jawab atas perangkat bertali, kartu SD mati, perang termonuklir, atau Anda dipecat karena aplikasi alarm gagal.

Jangan lupa untuk menyukai dan membalas ....

#Buka tautan di browser Anda (lebih suka menggunakan Chrome) .....
Tautan: - https://drive.google.com/open?id=15qKNIkBR8gT73fnlEgX7IPqQokQ5Y5al


[Tools, Tips & Tutorials] How to install TWRP (Official) in Redmi 5A (Riva)


Hey guys this thread is about how to install TWRP (official) in Redmi 5A / riva without root.


  1. PC
  2. Fastboot Drivers
  3. Unlocked Bootloader
  4. Flashing twrp file


  1. Download the file. Link given in the end of the threads.
  2. Boot your device into Fastboot mode (in power off state press power button + volume down button).
  3. Connect your device from pc.
  4. Now open the downloaded folder and run the file "Flash.bat".
  5. At last press any key to continue.
  6. Now your phone will automatically boot into TWRP.
  7. Now you have sucessfully flashed Twrp.

Note :-

  • This is Exclusively for Redmi 5A and if you try this any other device probably you will be bricking your device!!
  • I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards, thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed.

Don't forget to like and reply....

#Open the link in your browser (prefer using Chrome).....
Link :- https://drive.google.com/open?id=15qKNIkBR8gT73fnlEgX7IPqQokQ5Y5al


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