elephant killer punished

in esteem •  6 years ago 

Hello steemian


The Panel of Judges at the Idi District Court, East Aceh, decided that the two defendants were proven to have killed a tame elephant in an open hearing on Thursday (12/20). The reading of the decision was separated by the Chief Judge, Irwandi SH with member judges Khalid SH and Andi Efendi SH, and was attended by Prosecutor General Prosecutor Fajar SH and Wahyu SH. Alidin's accused legal counsel Indra Kusmeran SH was also present.


alidin proven legally and convince guilty of crime murder protected animals. second, dropping criminal against defendant to prison for 4 years and fines rp100 million and if not paid it must be replaced with a prison 6 months, "said the chairman of the panel of judges, irwandi bachelor of law when reading decision.

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