plants avocado

in esteem •  7 years ago 


hello stemian lovers.

Avocado plants are from central Amerika. This avocado plant generally grows in forsts, This avocado has a Latin or scientific name is Persia americana, avocado has several varietes that spread in the world, systematically this avocado plants can be classified and morphologized as follows :

  1. Kingdom : Plantae. 2. Super divisi : Trachebionta. 3. Super divisi : Spermatophyta. 4. Divisi : Magnoliophita. 5. Kelas : Magnoliopsida. 6. Sub kelas : Lauralez. 7. Genus : Persis. 8. Spesies : Persea americana.


3 types avocado as I know.

  1. avocado Mexicana. 2. avocado guatemalan. 3. avocado Wes India.


Marfologi plants avocado.

  1. The roots of the avocado plants have a tread root system, reaching 5-10 meters long, this root is also widespread at ground level with a length of 5-6 meters.
  2. Elliptical stem lengthwise 5-10 meters long, brownish color, have difficulty and hard stems, The stem of this plant also has brances or twigs that many support the leaves of avocado plants .
  3. The leaves of this plant are single anf symmetrical, which has a stalk with length 1-1.5cm.
    Smooth leaf surface and leaf width 3-10cm with an average length of 10-20cm reddish color greenish.
  4. Avocadp flowers have almost faling form of stars and have doble dobles. This flower is composed of several panicles that appear on the armpits of leaves or twig yellowsh and greenish. In pollination of this flowers is assistef by rhe wind and the animals around it.
  5. The fruit of this avocado has oval round saphe with a length og 10-30 cm grennish or yellowish. This avocado also has putplish spots of spots, has soft fles , when it is cooked and single whith seed is round.
  6. Avocado seeds oval or oval eggs with a diameter of 2.5 cm and berwaran whitish.

Avocado benrfits for health.

  1. Maitaning heart health
  2. Maitain eye health
  3. Fight siting and incresing enegi
  4. Control blood sugar level and support weight.loss.
  5. Fight siting and increasing eneegy
  6. Maitan skin health and beuty.
  7. Overcoming constipation

Dangers of avocado fruit.

  1. May cause vomiting for allergy sufferers or on the stomach.
  2. Can interfere with diet program
  3. Can cause obesity. If consuming excessive
    apocado, it will cause fat accumulation in the body

ingredients to make avocado juice

  1. Apocado isripe.
  2. Sugar to taste.
  3. Sweetenet condensed milk ( can be chocolate or white)
  4. Ice
  5. warm water

Proses juicing apocado.

  1. Mix sugar with warm water

  2. Enter the meat avocado into the blender, then enter ice

  3. blend until the ingredients have become smooth

  4. enter the milk into glasses, then enter a mixture of juice avocado.

  5. Juice avocado ready presented

please try, you will be satisfied ,,,

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