greetings all friends steemit times i will tell the story of lagenda a queen pulou jawa nyiroro kidul.
The origin of Nyi Roro Kidul / Almost all the inhabitants of Java Island, and even the people of Indonesia in general believe if the South Sea (South Beach) from the past until now is controlled by a figure of unseen creature Kanjeng Ratu Kidul or Nyi Roro Kidul. This growing belief or myth has long existed among our people. The figure of women who became leaders of the unseen kingdom was already synonymous with the mythology of Indonesian society. But for people who think, this will certainly lead to a question. Yes, a question about how the origin of this nyi roro kidul is so that he can become a ruler and queen in the unseen universe in South Java? What made him so famous and still known today? Curious as to what the story is? Consider our Exposures below.
Simpang siurnya existing information and the lack of historical evidence available to make information about the origin of nyi roro kidul until now only a myth that is not known how big the value of truth. Many opinions in the community related to who actually Nyi Roro Kidul it until he could become a magical ruler in the South Sea of Java. However, please note that in spite of this I have summarized the 3 opinions that I feel most widely believed to be the true origin of nyi
Roro Kidul. Yes, there are 3. Here's the discussion.
Yes, the first opinion mentions that Queen Kidul is actually the son of queen Bilqis, the son of the queen who submitted to King Solomon. It is narrated that after the queen bilqis married a male jinn, he was then blessed with a princess. This princess has no body because she is not human. He is a genie, just like his father. Now, ashamed of having the son of a genie, the queen bilqis then discarded the child whom he named Aurora to an island far from his empire. The island is later called Al-Jawi or Java Island. Aurora's daughter grew up and grew up with the other jinns on the island. The blue blood that flowed on the daughter's body then made him a leader for the community's jinn empire.
Over time, due to the massive migration of the Yunan (Chinese) people to Indonesia and occupying the island of Java (read: The Origin of the Ancestors of the Indonesian Nation), the aurora princess and his followers were disturbed. They moved backward because they did not want to get too close to the hustle and bustle of humans. They moved to the south of Java. Right on the shore of the South Seas. Hundreds of years old Aurora's daughter and her followers built the kingdom, and finally it reached its heyday. There are so many small jinns in the jungle that subdue and claim to join the royal sea kingdom. Gradually, the royal fame led by aurora princess then developed and spread throughout the country. Javanese society at that time who was not too eloquent mention the word Aurora then change the name of the princess to Roro. Princess Roro called Nyi Roro. Well, because he became the ruler of the genie on the south coast, then the name of Nyi Roro then given extra kidul (Kidul = South), then his full name becomes Nyi Roro Kidul
- Origin of Nyi Roro Kidul is the Goddess Nawangwulan The second opinion mentions if the origin of nyi roro kidul is Dewi Nawang Wulan. Dewi who is the wife of Jaka Tarub. If you've heard the story of Jaka Tarub, of course you already know a little about the name of Goddess Nawang Wulan. Yes, the goddess whose scarf is stolen and can not return to the kingdom of heaven is believed to be the origin of nyi roro kidul. He is cursed by the kingdom of heaven because it is already dare to marry a man (Jaka Tarub) where it is very unlawful. He was condemned to be a genie and ordered to keep the island of Java not to drown because of the Indian Ocean ferocity. In Javanese mythology, the origins of the left-handed nyi roro of this one version have not so much proof and are conjugated. The Javanese will generally be more confident in the original origins of nyi roro kidul.
- The Origin of Nyi Roro Kidul is King Jin (According to Islam)
According to Islamic Religion, the origin of nyi roro kidul is not something special that needs to be discussed. Based on the information of Al-Qur'an and Al-Hadist, the phenomenon of nyi roro kidul is a common thing happening in the world of jinn. Nyi Roro Kidul itself is considered as the incarnation of the leadership of the jinn empire in the coast of the South Sea of Java, as described in the following hadith: From these hadiths, we can draw the conclusion that the origins of nyi roro kidul and various other beliefs around this matter should not be too dizzy. Do not we get trapped by various forms of pitfalls that deliberately made Satan to deceive humans Simply surrender to Allah SWT to achieve the salvation of the hereafter. Thus the 3 opinions about the origin of nyi roro kidul. Hopefully can be additional information for you. Greetings to all friends in steemit may be useful.
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