South Dakota fields

in esteem •  6 years ago 

This crop is not grown in my area and I had to look up to see what it even was. There were fields of it being grown in South Dakota and I believe that it is sorghum.




Someone else may know for certain if I am correct. but no matter what it is, it makes an interesting landscape picture!

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what is a plant of a kind

Sorghum. For animal food.

Great patterns. Expansive sky

Thanks! And especially thanka for stopping by! ❤️

Milo is what we called this crop but yes it is sorghum. When I was growing up if you called it milo if you let it ripen and harvested the grain. If you harvested it sooner and chopped up the entire plant for cattle feed, we called that sorghum. But we were just hick farmers... haha. I think sorghum is correct name.

I have heard of Milo. Thats a good explanation. When I looked it up I also saw Sudan grass. Not sure if they're all one and the same. So I have a jar of sorghum in the cupboard that I use as a sweetener, like molasses. Is this all the same plant?

I think so. I thought sorghum as a sweetener was a southern thing. Have you ever heard of Karo syrup? My family pumpkin pie recipe calls for it and my wife had never heard of it.

Karo syrup is a staple. I can't imagine my cupboards without it. 😉 pecan pie, icing for sugar cookies, multitudes of Christmas goodies! There is a nearby Amish family that sells sorghum. They have a sorghum press. I can remember going with my grandparents to buy sorghum at the farm. I need sorghum to make my grandma's baked bean recipe.

I've heard of sorghum, but I've never seen it growing.

It was new to me, too. I knew I must stop and take photos!

Great fields, fertile land and its yields :)

Wonderful photos


Thanks, luv! Have you traveled much around the USA?

Yes, we have travelled a lot. ;)

I think ? :)

I am sending the map with all of the states where we have been.

I think it would be easier to see :)


And of course Illinois because we lived there :) Plus one more which I forgot - Missisipi. :)

Greetings my friend :)

You have traveled to more states than many Americans! I am impressed!

We love to travel it helps us to recharge batteries and relax from work and our routine duties :)

Thank you

America is beautiful and really amazing :)

I love to travel too and it mskes me sad that my health prevents me from going as I have gotten older.

I am so sorry to hear that my friend.

They have to come up with teleportation quickly, I think about you, my love.


I will be the first in line for them to experiment on! There are still so many things I had planned on seeing and doing!

I also just saw this type of plant. It seems like this type of plant does not grow in Indonesia where I am.

From what I read when I was looking it up, it seems that it originates from Africa.

I've heard of it but never had a clue what they do with it! I'm being stubborn and not looking it up and i'm going to guess they use it for animal feed? lol

You got it! And ethanol production.

Oooew. .
I want to know what the name for this plant is. Is this a vegetable or fruit. That makes me curious.

The land for plants is very broad. Very beautiful to look at.

Sorgum is its name. It is a grain.

That is very cool looking with the golden rows. Can’t help you on what crop it is though.

Thanks! I think we have it narrowed down to milo/sorghum. It is pretty in the field, isn't it?

Beautiful photographs, it should be great to visit those fields

I do like wide open spaces!

I know, you also take beautiful photos

I know, you also take beautiful photos

I loved the way they are planted so symmetrically...

The massive agricultural equipment that is used on these big fields does a good job!

I can't see from the photo if it is sorghum or not, to be honest I don't know how sorghum looks like but I know that it's used for making sweepers.

Brooms! You are right. I had not connected that use wirh the plant growing here.

I forgot they are called brooms :) That's why I love Steemit, we can all learn, isn't it?

howdy again melinda010100! yes it's milo, of course I'm an old farm boy from Kansas and we raised alot of it, also known as Maize, at least out there. there was a huge mill in Dodge City that took the hulls of the seeds and that's what the gray material of Drywall is made from. yep, I worked in that plant for awhile too so I was on both ends of the product. lol.

Drywall! I had absolutely no idea. Thank you for teaching me my new thing for the day. What an incredibly versatile plant I've learned that they make brooms from this and feed livestock and now drywall! Pretty amazing stuff.

oh yes it's a great plant, cattle love it and it has all the other uses as well, how are you doing? It's kinda late isn't it?

Answering this is my last comment and then I'm shutting things down. The kids are coming for the weekend and so I need to be up fairly early tomorrow so.... to bed!

I thought it was wheat

No, it is quite different from wheat. I love seeing wheat growing.

I don't know what it is either but it is a cool picture. I have family in South Dakota.

There are a lot of interesting sights to see in SD! It is sorghum /milo. Its been confirmed!

Yep, that's Sorghum. Like @steven-patrick said, it's also Milo. Although in my experience, milo is the seed and sorghum is the plant. Sorghum syrup is made like corn syrup, by grinding the stalks and getting the juice. And then boiling that down. In high school, I spent one summer working experimental sorghum fields. Walking up and down, up and down, forever, cutting all the seedheads that were too tall. The breeders were trying to develop a shorter plant that worked better with the combines and wouldn't fall over in the Kansas wind. Those fields used to be a great place to hunt pheasant after the crop is done.

Great to hear from you! Hope you have had a great summer. You have been missed. Thanks for explaining the sweetener aspect of this plant. I can see why those fields are good pheasant habitat.

aww woow what a deepth you caught here, the feald neeeever ends !! woohoo stunning texture, great job💖🐲🐉our feald here in sweden aint this strait lined or so yellow :)