Currently a 3rd grade junior high school girl named Queen is smiling looking at her cellphone screen, she just got an SMS from Andra, the person she likes. Andra sends a message that contains "be patient ... I will definitely express my love for you directly, but after we finish the National Examination ... I hope you will wait for me until the time comes". Queen quickly responds to an SMS from Andra. "Of course, I'll wait for you Andra", Queen sent the SMS.
Time passed, now the National Examination is over and Queen of course is waiting with a very pounding feeling. Imagine, soon Andra will express love to him.
However, an SMS from Andra made Queen disappointed, "Queen, sorry ... it seems like I can't keep my promise! During this time I approached you just to make you want to help me in English language lessons. In other words, I only use you. Now that I've become another girl's boyfriend, I hope you understand Queen. Goodbye".
Queen felt her heart was very sick at the time, she felt betrayed and mocked. So to comfort his heart a little, the next day Queen decided to go on vacation to her aunt named Linda.
Queen was just about to knock on her aunt's door when suddenly someone greeted her.
"Hy Queen ... I haven't found it for a long time! How are you doing? "Asked the King, Queen's best friend who was aunt Linda's neighbor.
"Well, really ... you're good too right?"
"Surely it doesn't! When do people like me can be okay? "
"Thank God, if that's the case ... already King, I want to go in first"
"Yes, Queen ... see you soon," the King left Queen.
Queen was in the house of Aunt Linda for three days, and Aunt Linda realized that Queen seemed to be in trouble, because while she was there Queen often looked moody. Because of that Aunt Linda asked King for help to ask Queen about the problem.
Finally one night when Queen and King were sitting on a park bench while enjoying the beautiful view of the star-filled sky at that time, the King asked the Queen what had made him sad.
Then Queen tells about what happened between her and Andra. Queen was unable to hold back her tears when telling them all, because she seemed to feel the pain she felt when she received the last message from Andra.