Wow, the sea is really blue! "The comment must often come out of your lips whenever a trip to the coastal area.
The more blue the sea, the cooler and beautiful also the beach when viewed. No wonder, many tourists feel at home for long sunbathing on the beach, one of Nyang Nyang Beach, Bali.
But, conscious do not if the sea water is not blue color? Well, if you take the sea water you keep it in a transparent glass, the color is the same as most water, clear!
A NASA oceanographer, Gene Carl Feldman knows very well about this one natural phenomenon. For years researching the ocean, Gene concluded that the waters of the vast ocean were not blue.
"The color at sea level is influenced by how deep the ocean is. In addition, various objects in and on it also contributed to give the effect of color for the ocean, "he said.
The process of creating blue color in the loose ocean emerges from the sun. The transmitted beam is formed from a spectrum of several long waves.
The longer the light wave, the color that looks just red or orange. That's what we can get when we look at sunlight straight up.