in esteem •  5 years ago 

Its legal circumcision reads the Prayer of the Prophet. But it has become a "compulsory tradition" every lecture or speech begins with praise to Allah and Salih to the Messenger of Allah who has expelled us from ignorance to a world full of knowledge.

Prayers are included in "Praise Qadim for baharu" "or Praise Allah for His creatures. The basis is the word of God in the Qur'an, Al-Ahzab verse 56; "Innallaha wa malaikatu yushalluna alan Nabi ..." which means "Verily Allah and the angels pray to the Prophet ..."

It is true that we pray to the Prophet Muhammad because Allah revealed the Qur'an through his intermediary as a guide and guidance for living in the world and for salvation in the hereafter and refinement of the books revealed to the Prophet before him.

It is no exaggeration if the scholars insinuate, when the name of the Prophet Muhammad was mentioned then who listened to him did not pray, then they belonged to the most stingy and stupid people.

Indonesia has a majority Muslim population. It would be naive if the president would not be good at glorifying the Prophet Muhammad by praying. "Allahumma shalli 'ala Sayyidina Muhammad, wa'ala ali Sayyidina Muhammad."

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