
in esteem •  7 years ago  (edited)


Muklis Puna

Aku pasir dalam gumpalan debu digenggaman para penyair
Tintaku tumpah berlepotan mengotori lantai sastra nusantara
Auman badai penyair menciutkan imaji dalam berkarya
Aku pasir di tengah padang kerontang dan gersangnya karya
Aku pasir berselimut impian menjadi bongkahan menghadang badai
Maqamku digusur angin dalam balutan debu menutup gundukan terjal
Aku bukan butiran mutiara mengkilat karena cumbuan busuran sinar
Tulisanku mengaburkan makna yang terpahat di alama sadar
Aku pasir berlarian dihempas angin lamunan mengasuh diksi tanpa susuan
Khayalanku berlayar di bawah kesadaran tanpa pemandu di samudera atlantik
Aku pasir dalam remasan debu dan rembesan air pada lipatan sutera nusantara
Aku hanya baru mampu menggambar lambang menjadi diksi yang mengacaukan logika

Aku pasir dalam gumpalan debu berpacu dengan matahari saat senja bertukar tempat
Malu aku jadi penyair karena ilusi terasa jumud
tak menembus halusinnasi
Aku adalah tetesan air di ujung jemari di tengah lautan penyair hebat
Aku pasir menyelinap dalam tetesan tinta penyair seperti mengulum air,
Tapi saluran tenggorokan dilanda kemarau panjang

Lhokseumawe, 28 Oktober 2016

Muklis Puna

I sand in a clump of dust gripped the poets
My ink was splattered smeared on the literary floor of the archipelago
The storm of poets shrinks the image in the work
I am sand in the middle of the meadow and barren works

I'm sand covered with dreams of being a chunk in the storm
Posisidigusur wind in a bandage of dust closed a steep hill
I'm not a shiny pearl granule because of the rush of light rays
My writing obscures the meanings carved in the conscious realm

I sand running in the winds of daydreams nurtured in unconfused diction
My fantasies sailed under the consciousness of no guide in the Atlantic Ocean
I sand in the dust squirt and seepage of water on the folds of the silk of the archipelago
I was only able to draw a symbol into a diction that disrupted logic

I sand in a pile of dust raced against the sun as dusk swapped places
Embarrassed I became a poet because the illusion feels old-fashioned
not penetrating the hallucination
I am a water droplet at the end of my fingers amid a sea of ​​great poets
I sand sneak in a poetic ink drip like water sucking,
But the throat channel was hit by a long drought

Lhokseumawe, October 28, 2016

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Hello @mukhlispuna nice poem.
Never give up brother, god bless you..

Amin thanks friends @ gratitude for attention and motivation. greetings stemian

Bek ragu. Lnjutkan sodara

he..he terimong genaseh adun motvasnya

Kayanya ini kembaranya @maloka 😂

maksudnya ....

maksudnya ....

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