Man Very Sober High

in esteem •  6 years ago 


I’m so high and it makes me sober
Soaring so high just like the eagles
Right above the planes I keep rising
I think I’m in space but I’m not stopping

I’m so high and it makes me sober
Smoked some weed it makes me hover
Head so light feels it will disappear
I love the feelings call me a ganjaman

I’m so high and it makes me sober
Voices in my head feels like in coma
Double visions I see I’m now a visionary
Gimme some more wanna see many more

I’m so high and it makes me sober
Talking loud and slow just like a konga
Speak to my ears else I hear you not
I’m not deaf I just can’t hear you now

I’m so high and it makes me sober
Walking like a snail yet feels like a cougar
A step after the other but it feels like flash
Don’t blame me the feeling is just amazing

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Speaking of shit, I took a dump in your wallet! Take a trip to the bathroom to claim your worthless SHIT!

No thanks, go deal with it cause it’s your fucking business

Enjoy the vote and some free shit!

Are you actually saying I wrote shit @sirvotesalot ?

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