Manga comedy "Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet" has been revealed getting an anime adaptation with the opening of this official website. Currently only the main character seiyuu and visual anime his just revealed new.
The voices that will be present along with their roles are:
Yuuki Ono as Romio Inuzuka
Ai Kayano as Juliet Percia
This series tells about Dahlia Academy which has two dormitories containing students from two opposing countries. Romio Inuzuka leads the Black Dog dormitory and Juliet Percia leads the White Cat dormitory, the two dorms routinely fight with each other in the school area. One day Inuzuka who had long known Percia finally ventured to express his love, and both had to try to hide this new relationship from both dorms.
Manga made by Yousuke Kaneda is published since 2015 and will soon publish his seventh volume on March 16 later. The series earned Kodansha's 41st manga award nomination in 2016 yesterday.
The most interesting aspect of this series is that despite the romance of a kind of shoujo series, the manga is filled with the typical action shounen series.
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