How True Love Can Be Increased

in esteem •  7 years ago 

"Love is an all-encompassing epidemic; Love is life. "- Living For the Purpose of Joseph Johnson (English), 1871.

How does a man learn to love? Study Psychology? By reading self-help books? Or see romantic movies? Not by any means. The first way people learn to love is by example their parents and by training. Children will learn the meaning of love, if they see that in a warm tender environment their parents cherish them and provide protection, communicate with them, and show deep personal interest to them. Also, when their parents teach them to follow the principles of fair and wrong, they still learn to love.

Real love is more than just affection or feeling. It often works for the best welfare of others, even though they do not fully understand it at that time, which is usually done when children are lovingly ruled. The perfect example of showing selfless love or love is the Creator himself. The apostle Paul wrote: "Do not despise my son, the word of Jehovah," and do not become weighed down by him. Because the Lord [Jesus] is the one whom Jehovah loves. "- Hebrews 12: 5, 6.
Parents, how can you imitate Jehovah in showing love in your family? And how important is the example you set in your relationship with each other as husband and wife?
Teach love through example
If you are a husband, do you value your wife and use her with respect and respect? If you are a wife, do you love and support your husband? The Bible says that husbands and wives should love and respect each other. (Ephesians 5:28; Titus 2: 4) When they do so, their children look at Christian love directly. What a powerful and valuable education it can not be!

Parents also increase love at home when they follow the high standards set for family in matters such as entertainment, ethics, goals and priorities. People from all over the world have seen that the Bible is a great help to establish such family values, and they have found living evidence that the Bible truly is "God-breathed. . . It is beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for correction, and for disciplining in righteousness. "(2 Timothy 3:16) Indeed, the moral rules and guidelines found in the mountain of life are considered to be the greatest of all.-Matthew chapters 5 to 7.
When the whole family rely on God and adheres to his standards, each one feels more secure, and the children grow more in love and learn to respect their parents. On the contrary, children in that house may become very temperamental, angry, and rebellious, in a room where there is a double standard and flawed quality.-Romans 2:21; Colossians 3:21

What about single parents? Do they have a serious inconvenience to teach their little children about love? Not always. Though there is no alternative to having both a good mother and a father, but the experience shows that the quality of family relationships can meet some degree of parent or child. If you are a single parent, be diligent to apply Bible principles in your home. Yes, a proverb tells us: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart; Do not rely on your own opinion; Accept all your ways; And he will make your paths straight "-Single-the way of parental responsibility-" will do it. "- Proverbs 3: 5, 6; James 1: 5.
Many good young people have grown up with single parents or parents, and now they are serving God faithfully in thousands of Jehovah's Witnesses throughout the world. This is the proof that single parents or mothers can also succeed in teaching their children about love.

The way everyone can practice love
The Bible foretells that the "last days" will be marked by the lack of "affection", that the family members will lack the natural connection between each other. (2 Timothy 3: 1, 3) However, those who have grown up in an environment that lacked affection, even they can learn how to practice love. How? By learning from Jehovah, who shows the love and affection for all who are the real source of love and who rely on him wholeheartedly. (1 John 4: 7, 8) One psalmist said: "My own father and mother have forsaken me, but Jehovah himself will take me up." - Psalm 27:10.

Jehovah expresses his love for us in various ways. Among them are the fatherly guidance, the help of holy spirit, and the warm support of the Christian brotherhood. (Psalm 119: 97-105; Luke 11:13; Hebrews 10:24, 25) Consider how these three provisions can help you to grow in love for God and neighbor.

Inspired Fatherly Guidance
To practice a warm bond with someone, we need to know very well that person. By expressing himself through the Bible, Jehovah invites us to draw closer to him. But reading the Bible is not enough. We must use these teachings and experience the benefits that come from it. (Psalm 19: 7-10) Isaiah 48:17 says, "I, Jehovah, am your God, I teach you the good things you should do, and make you walk in the way of your way." Yes, the symbol of love represents Jehovah for our benefit-unnecessary Not by regulating to limit our independent will.

It also helps us to grow in love with people, including accurate knowledge of the Bible. Because of this, Bible truth teaches God's view of our people and shows the principles that guide our behavior to one another. Through such information, we have a firm foundation for practicing love for our neighbor. The apostle Paul said: "I pray that your love may be heard in all wisdom and reasonableness." - Philippians 1: 9.
For a clear understanding of how love can be guided rightly through "accurate knowledge," consider the fundamental truth set forth at Acts 10:34, 35: "God is not partial" But everyone who fears and acts in every nation receives it. "If God judges people based on race or race, they should judge with their religious beliefs or godly devotion, should we not also look at men with similar impartiality? -United 17:26, 27; 1 John 4: 7-11, 20, 21

Love-A Fruit of God's Spirit
Just as rain can produce a very good yield in a fruitful garden in a fruitful garden, so God's spirit can produce sensitive qualities in sensitive people, which the Bible describes as "the fruit of the spirit." (Galatians 5:22, 23) The first of these results is love. (1 Corinthians 13:13) But how can we receive God's spirit? An important way is prayer. If we pray for God's spirit, then he will give it to us. (Luke 11: 9-13) Do you 'keep asking for' the holy spirit? If you do that, then its priceless results, along with love, will be revealed more in your life.

But there is another spirit, which works against God's spirit. The Bible calls it "the spirit of the world." (1 Corinthians 2:12; Ephesians 2: 2) It is an evil influence, and its source is none other than Satan the Devil, "the ruler of this world" of mankind alienated from God. (John 12:31) Just as the wind awakens dust and rubbish, "the spirit of the world" awakens the hurtful desires that ruin love and the fleshly weaknesses.-Galatians 5: 1-19-21.
People tend to instill that spirit when they are entrapped with materialism, moodiness, violent behavior and distorted love and often corrupt views, which are very common in the world. If you want to grow in love with real love, then you have to resist the world's spirit strongly. (James 4: 7) But do not rely on your own strength; Pray to Jehovah for help. His spirit-the most powerful force in the universe-can strengthen you and bring success.-Psalm 121: 2.
Learn love from the Christian brotherhood

Just as children learn to show love through experience in the house, so all of us-young and old-all grow together in love with association with other Christians. (John 13:34, 35) In fact, one of the main tasks of the Christian congregation is to create an environment where people can "incite one another to love and fine works." - Hebrews 10:24.
This kind of love is especially appreciated by those who may be "anxious and scattered" in the world around us. (Matthew 9:36) Experience has shown that loving relationships in adulthood can help to overcome the bad effects of deprivation in childhood. How important it is to receive genuine sincere greetings from all dedicated servants, the new ones who come among them!

"Love Never Ends"
The Bible says that "love never fails." (1 Corinthians 13: 8) How is that possible? The apostle Paul tells us that "love is long-suffering and kind, love is not jealous, it does not brag, does not boast, does not behave indecently, does not seek earnestly, neither does he get tired, nor does he count iniquity." (1 Corinthians 13: 4, 5) Clearly, this love or love is not a myth or sentimentality. On the contrary- Those who show it know about the frustration and misery of life and acknowledge them, but they do not let them destroy the love they have for humans, including them. Such love is truly "a perfect bond of union." - Colossians 3: 12-14.

Consider the example of a 17-year-old Christian girl from Korea. When he began to serve Jehovah, his family did not accept it and he had to leave the house. Instead, instead of being angry, he prays about that matter, influencing God's Word and the spirit of his thoughts. Then, she often used to write letters to the family, expressing her genuine warmth toward them, she published her whole letter. As a result, his two grandfather started studying the Bible, and now they are dedicated Christians. His mother and younger brother also accepted Bible truth. Finally, his father, who was very upset, changed his heart. The Witness girl wrote: "We all married Christians, and our family is now united with 23 worshipers." What a great victory!

Do you want to practice genuine love and help others do the same thing? Then, concentrate on the source of this invaluable quality to Jehovah. Yes, take his words to heart, pray for holy spirit, and regularly associate with the Christian brotherhood. (Isaiah 11: 9; Matthew 5: 5) How heartwarming it is to know that wickedness will soon go away and only those who practice true Christian love! Truly, love is the key to happiness and life.-Psalm 37:10, 11; 1 John 3:14.

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