Inauguration of SEMA FTK and DEMA FTK period 2018 UIN Ar-Raniry.

in esteem •  7 years ago 


Inauguration of SEMA FTK and DEMA FTK period 2018 UIN Ar-Raniry.

Peresmian SEMA FTK dan DEMA FTK periode 2018 UIN Ar-Raniry.


@mhsindonesia @mahasiswa_aceh @ kpmuinarraniry2018 @demaftk_arraniry @cucoearraniry @cucoearranireal @arraniryevent @kammi__uinarraniry @ demauin.arraniry @arraniry_fotografi @uinarraniry @rakan_aceh @ig_aneuk_aceh @ig_aceh @sahabattarbiyah_uinarraniry @semauin_arraniry @ semaftk18 @semauinjkt @semauinmalang @semauinjogja @mahasiswa_aceh @ mahasiswa.bandaaceh @mahasiswamuslim @ Ar-Raniry State Islamic University of Banda Aceh

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