Facts About Persian Cats Not Known by Many Persons

in esteem •  6 years ago 


One of the most popular breeds of cats around the world is the Persian Race. Yes, Persian cats are included in the top of mind as a popular cat on five continents. You one of his fans? You want to know facts about Persian cats that have not been known to people? Check it out in the following reviews!

Persian cats are attractive in terms of physical and nature. The short fat body, and the chubby face with long, dense, and beautiful feathers, makes the Persian cat look very adorable. A round face with a pug nose is also a characteristic of Persian cats.

Compared to the race of Anggora, Persian cats have body size is more fat. Although the race body Anggora higher and longer than the Persian type.


Spoiled, quiet, not noisy, and close to the children, is a peculiar character of the Persian race that makes it more and more popular. Persian cats also prefer to be inside the house, making it easier for the owner to take care of him.

At the end of the 19th century, Persian race cats had been widely bred in England and America. The name for this type of cat in England is Longhair or Persian Longhair. There are two races of the most popular Persian cats in England, namely the bright chinchillarsak type and dark chinchillawarna type.

History of Persian Cats

Judging from its name, this cat race comes from the Persian mainland, an area that is currently known by the name of Iran. There are many versions of the history of Persian cats, hence how the origin of this cat race is considered controversial. However, all agree that this type of cat belongs to the oldest cat race and has a high value because many are maintained by the upper class.

The popular history of the Persian cat was in 1620 AD, it was introduced to Italy by Pietro della Valle. The story is also popular is this cat race was brought from Turkey to France by Nicholas Claude Fabri de Peireisc. These two versions are considered the most popular because these two stories are documented and included in all versions of the history of Persian cats.


There is also another belief that when this cat race was introduced to England from France, it did not yet have the long feathers that currently exist in the Persian race. Another version of the story is that this cat gets its long hair from marriage with the Anggora race in Turkey. But there is also another historical version that says that breeding with African wildcats is what makes Persian cats get their long hair.

There is also a story that says Persian cats are descended from the marriage of African and Asian cats, named Felis Libyca. This version also believes that the Persian race was introduced in the 1500s by Romans and Phoenicians.

In the early 1900s, the Persian race was first introduced to America and Canada. From there the popularity of Persian cats around the world, begins. It began to be much maintained by the elite. In fact, this type of cat becomes a valuable pet symbol for those who keep it.

Types of Persian Cats

Along with the increasing number of people who love Persian cats, this type of cat is more and more dikembangbiakkan. We can now meet the adorable races that are derivatives of Persian cats. To recognize further, here are the various races of Persian cats:

  1. Traditional Persian Cat

Traditional Persian cat races are the original breeds of Persian cats. It was a male genuine Persian catship with an original Persian female cat. However, since it is a descendant of an original Persian cat, the originality of this type is slightly reduced, which is why it is called Traditional Persian racial.

The peculiarity of Traditional Persian races is his face which is very similar to a cat doll. That is why he is often also referred to as Persian Doll Face. Called like a doll because his face was impressed without expression alias flat.


Traditional Persian cat's nose is more intense, just like an ordinary cat in general. The fur is long and quite dense. Traditional Persian cats are also more agile and easier to play than other Persian cats.

Want to have this Persian race? Traditional Persian Cat for pet at home (pet quality) is priced starting at 4 million rupiah.

  1. Persian Smoke Cat

This Persian race is physically very similar to Traditional Persian races. The difference is only the color of the fur and the color of his eyes.

Persian Smoke Cat is generally made up of a solid color. However, smoke or smoke color will be seen when the cat's fur is blowing in the wind, or when the cat is moving. There are shades of silvery white will appear under the color of his solid body earlier.


In general, 50 to 80 percent of Persian Smoke's body color is solid, ie blue, black, beige, or red. While the rest is the color smoke.

Persian cats of Smoke type also have different eye colors than other types. It has beautiful copper-colored eyes. Price of Persian Smoke is relatively cheaper. He dibandrol prices from 500 thousand to 3.5 million dollars in the market.

  1. Persian Peaknose Cats

This Persian cat race is one of the most popular. Peaknose cats are included in the race because of their cute body shape and adorable habits.

This Persian type Peaknose cat has a very pug nose. However, the more pug nose, the price is even more expensive. Her pug nose also makes this Peaknose type look even more funny.


Its round body with a calm nature, is another characteristic of the Persian Peaknose cat. In the market, he priced at much higher than Flatnose. Price Persia Peaknose cats ranged from 3 to 5 million, can even reach 15 million rupiah.

  1. Persian Flatnose Cat

This Persian cat race was first bred in the United States. The body shape and face of this Flatnose race are unique and funny.

As the name implies, Flatnosememiliki cat has a nose pug, though not a pug of Peaknose type. His head was a little boxy, not perfectly round like Peaknose. Persian Flatnose eyes are round and small.

The body of the cat is slightly fatter than other races. The fur is also longer. Her legs are also shorter though not too short. Persian Flatnose cat ears are small and pointed.

This Persian cat race is very active and happy to play. His behavior is also very funny and entertaining. The Persian Flatnose cat body is stronger than any other race, so it does not hurt easily.


Persian cats Flatnose pretty much fans in Indonesia. The price in the market varies, depending on how the physical condition. However, the majority of Persian Flatnose cats are sold at prices ranging from 1 to 2 million rupiah.

In plain view, the Persian Peaknose and Flatnose Persian races look similar. However, there are distinctive physical features that help us distinguish the two races. First, it must be his nose. Peaknose has a nose more pug than Flatnose.

A second physical feature that makes it easy to tell which one is Flatnose and where Peaknose is its body shape. Persian cat Peaknosemembers a body fatter and rounder than Flatnose. That's why Peaknose looks more adorable.

  1. Persian Himalayan Cat

The race of Persian Himalayan cats is the result of a marriage between a Persian cat and a Siamese cat. His body resembles a Persian cat, but the color of his fur is like a Siamese cat. In the past, the race of Persian Himalayan cats is known in Europe under the name Persian Colourpoint.

Persian Himalayan cats that resemble Persian cats are fat, big and rounded, but have short legs. This is why he has trouble jumping. However, there is also a Himalayan Persian race similar to Siamese Cats body shape, which is slender, slim, and graceful. Therefore he can jump up to 2 meters tall.

The peculiarity of Persian Himalayan cats is the color of the feathers dominated by white and gray, especially on the face and claws. The eyes are pretty blue.


The Persian Cat Himayala is divided into two based on the shape of his face, the Himalayan Doll Face and the Himalayan Ultra-Face. The slightly puggy nose seen from the side is a hallmark of the Himalayan Doll Face. While on the Himalayan Ultra-Face, his nose looks like a flat when viewed from the side because it is very pug.

The price of Persian Himalayan cats is ranged from 5 to 15 million rupiah for a very good quality. However, for standard or regular quality, Persian Himalayan cats are usually priced below 5 million rupiah.

  1. Medium Persian Cat

The physical characteristics of the Persian cat race Medium almost like the usual local cats. This is because he is the result of a marriage between a Persian cat and a local cat. For you local cat lovers but with dense fur, surely fall in love with this Persian Medium.

Physically, compared to the features of Persian cats, Persian Medium races are more similar to Anggora. His legs are longer, so his body is higher than the Persian race generally. But the size of his body is larger than the usual local cat.


Medium Persian fur is not as long and dense as a genuine Persian cat. Because it is the result of marriage with a local cat, the nose of the Persian Medium race is also more intense. The shape of his head was not as common as a Persian cat. He is more pointed to a typical local cat.

You want to keep this cute Persian Medium? Relax, the price is not too expensive really. In the market, Persian Medium cat is priced between 850 thousand to 1.5 million rupiah only.

  1. Persian Peakface Cats

Persian cat race this one can be considered controversial. This is because he is in doubt into the Persian race by the Persian cat certified association of the world. One reason is because of the shape of his face.

Persian cats Peakface has a high nose position, not in front under the eyes. But it lies just under the eyes, so it almost coincides with the eyes. Normal nose, not pug.


This type of Persian cat is called Peakface because its face is flat. When viewed from the side, the shape of the mouth and nose appear flat. Expression of Persian cats this one tend to be unique and impressed nyleneh. But he is a cat that is very attractive, active moving and playful. In the market, Persian Peakface cats priced starting at 850 thousand rupiah.

  1. Persian Exotic Shorthair Cat

Persian races Exotic Shorthair is often also referred to as the American Shorthair Persian cat. It is the result of a marriage of a Persian cat with a local cat.

As the name implies, this Persian cat has a short fur typical of local cats. The fur is similar to that of a local cat. However, his body shape is still the same as Persian cats generally, namely fat and short.


Persian facial expressions Exotic Shorthair tend to temperament alias fierce. It has pretty big eyes. His nose was rather pug with a long but rare mustache.

Exotic Shorthair Persian Cat is also much in demand for maintenance. He ranks second most maintained, according to data of the international persia cat association. In the market, this type of Persian cat is priced from 1.5 million rupiah.

How to Take Care and Maintain Persian Cat Health

Persian cats are easily cats. Plus a long and dense fur of course easily tangled if not maintained. Therefore, health and hygiene should be taken seriously. However, that does not mean you have to spend a lot of money for it. There are easy and cheap ways you can do at home.

In order for your Persian cat to stay healthy and fit, provide nutritious food that suits her. You can buy it at the nearest pet shop. Nutritious food will make Persian cats always energetic, with beautiful and shiny fur. Give her food twice a day.

To treat Persian cat fur to avoid tangles, you simply comb it with a metal comb twice a day. As an extra care, you can wipe your Persian cat hair with baby wipes every day. Ideal baby wipes are used in addition to the fur of a cat smells good, can also avoid allergies because of the formula of a soft baby tissue.


However, if your Persian cat fur is already tangled, you should immediately consult with an expert. This is because the tangled fur will be painful for the cat. Their skin can be attracted or injured, because the fur is tangled.

Prepare special tissue for Persian cat's eye care. This is to help clean their eyes and nose. Persian cats that have problems with the tear ducts will often have tears. His nose will be more easily clogged if not cleaned regularly and regularly.

Take your Persian cat for sunbathing in the morning sun. This is great for maintaining healthy body and fur. Do not forget to invite your cat to play and chatting every day, even if only briefly. This is done so that the cat becomes docile and obedient, also to keep it active.

Persian cats love to live in a clean and comfortable place. Therefore, clean up their waste disposal every day. Also clean the cages and places to eat drink every day.

Persian cats can live for up to 20 years, but on condition they are cherished and well cared for. Therefore, a commitment to help maintain their health is indispensable.


Not only physical health, but also the mental health of Persian cats must also be considered. This cat belongs to a sensitive cat type and does not like to be snapped. Therefore, treat him with attention, tenderness, and affection.

Thus, the facts about Persian cats that have not been widely known. Interesting right? Do not forget that Persian cats are also God's creation. Come on, take good care of him.code

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