how to complete the first kiss or first kiss

in esteem •  6 years ago 


First, before going to specific steps there are 3 basic things that you must have long before the day of execution arrived. One of the most basic things is, long before the first kiss action is launched, it is mandatory for you to build interest from the him. Without attraction it is impossible he will kissed by you. This is the thing that so many people forget so many cases of failure. I'm not going to go into more detail about how to build interest, because this is a different subject. The intensity of the touch is as important as the attraction. This is a kind of indicator of the extent to which interest has been built and an indicator for you whether he or she is ready to be kissed by you. If holding hands alone he still refused, do not expect him to kiss with you.This time, all you need to have is a strong mentality. Often excessive nervous feelings haunt a lot of people when going to launch the first kiss action. Therefore you must do rehearsal / practice. I'm not suggesting that you practice with your female friends, but if there is a female friend who is supportive to practice kisses, it does not matter as long as it's okay. Practice what I mean is, practice in the room using apples and imagine the apple is the lips of the couple you will kiss while imagining the scenes that will happen towards the first kiss action. This kind of exercise is very useful for your mental readiness when launching the first kiss action. Sounds silly indeed, but very useful. So, why not?

When you have fulfilled all three points, then be ready for the day you are waiting for. And what should you prepare for the day and what steps to take?
Settings. Plan all sets of time, place and what kind of atmosphere when you will kiss the him. Set up breathing freshener. There is no embarrassing moment other than when he is reluctant to kiss with you just because the breath is not tasty. When you feel nervous, you are not alone. Overcome that nervousness. That is normal. As time passes, the more hours you fly in this kind of action, the nervousness will decrease. A real man, must be good at coping with this sort of thing. I believe that. And here is a sequence of steps you should do:
When right in seconds you will launch a kiss action, create a quiet atmosphere. Silence without a word for a few seconds. When the atmosphere is silent, make sure you and the he make eye contact, mutual gaze. This is to make sure whether he is ready to kiss with you or not. Remember, do not be too long to face the eye, because it will feel very strange for the him. What if you have made eye contact, turn your eyes on his lips for about 3 seconds and then look back at his eyes as a sign of the next step will be implemented. The thing to remember is, you should look confident while doing this. Yes, it's time to launch that romantic attack on him. I suggest doing this with a smooth style, slowly lance your head to him as slowly as possible. And now you're kissing with him. It's not finished yet, if this is your first time kissing him, kissing it casually. Take off for a moment, then continue with a deeper level. If you know the term french kiss, yes, now Here is the thing to avoid:
Make sure when you want to kiss your mouth is not chewing something, such as chewing gum and so on. You do not want what you chew to move into the mouth of the him. It will ruin the exact moment. Make sure you've shaved whiskers and beards clean. Yes, you must understand what I mean. You want to kiss him instead of interrupting his way of kissing by showing off your beard that looks manly but glows for him. Do not smoke before kissing. Some typical women do not like the smell of cigarettes coming out of your mouth. Do not ever do the first kiss action in a drunken state. We're not talking about uncontrollable brutal kisses. It is about romantic kissing. You must be in control and in a state of conscious if you want to make this moment that is always remembered by you and the him. Do not ever look or make a movement that shows you hesitate when will kiss. It shows you as an insecure man. Some women will probably ilfeel with it. The first kiss moment will be beautiful if you yourself are packing it beautifully. Most people prefer to cancel this moment just because of feelings of doubt and nervousness. Believe me, such nervous feelings only occur the first time, then kissing is a very common thing for you later.
You can learn from the experience of your friends who are very expert in kissing or can also learn from movie scenes that describe this scene. Anyway, welcome your first kiss action.

how to do it:

Look into the eyes of a girl or your boy with a deep, romantic gaze.

Use your hand to attract the attention of the couple. Start hugging and rubbing his shoulders, stroking his hair and his hands. If your girl or guy looks interested and returns romantic views and caresses, then it is one of the signals that the couple can be invited to kiss. Little lean your head to the head of the couple, while still looking romantically right in the eyes of the couple. Let your heart keep pounding, as this will add to the sensation of kissing pleasure. If the couple seems to move away from you, there is a look of less favorable movement, better undo your intention to kiss, and do the other while more appropriate. If it is too pushy, maybe you not only lose the opportunity to kiss, but even lose pasanangan.Little tilt your head, and also the head of the pair with the opposite direction. This serves to be more free to kiss the lips very closely without being disturbed by a nose collision.

Close the eyes when it is very close to the couple. Let your imagination float, stay relaxed and concentrate on the kiss. Open the mouth slowly, slowly. Show your softness, do not show the ferocity as if it will eat a couple.

Enjoy the lips of the couple very slowly. Suck the lips of the partner gently, thus giving pleasure to the couple.

Determine if your boyfriend / girl partner will continue to kiss with tongue / french kiss. At this time you may have difficulty to stop, but you should not impose. If the couple seems willing to proceed further to kiss with the tongue, then continue slowly, if not then you should delay first. Browse the couple's mouth with the tongue. Slowly open the mouth wider, and advance the tongue deeper into the couple's mouth. Make sure to keep it soft and slow, too rough can result in kiss ending due to loss of mood pair. Tongue is very sensitive, by continuing to explore couples with tongue, you both will enjoy this more. Keep doing it gently, if the couple shows a desire to deeper in his kiss, then do. Use your Hand. For the first kiss, you must be careful with your hands, so as not to be thought too lusty. But if the time is right, start using your hand to deepen the relationship.
There are different ways of using hands when kissing: Use your hands to hug them at the waist, this will show your affection.

Hold your chin or neck with both hands to tighten the kiss and show that you are afraid of losing it.

For a girl who has a taller guy, hug a couple right on his neck, give your impression heavily dependent on him.

Talk about your kissing experience. Communication between partners is everything, be sure to talk about what you just did, what you feel, what you love about the kiss and so on. Please flatter your partner.

Kissing Tips

Make sure not too hasty to force a kiss Give confidence to the couple that you are more interested in him, than interested to kiss him. This will make it more valuable. Make a kiss just as a tool to manifest your love, not to show your passion. This can be different if your kissing goal is to initiate a husband-wife relationship Keep your oral hygiene always, to succeed your kiss Always use instinct to read the body movement of the couple, each person has a different fantasy and have different ways to enjoy a kiss.

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