Indonesia wants to be the world's largest ornamental fish producer, beat Singapore

in esteem •  6 years ago 


"We want to be the world's largest producer and exporter of ornamental fish.The beauty and diversity of Indonesian ornamental fish is the initial capital to realize the dream," said Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Agung Kuswandono, quoted from Antara, Monday (27/11) .

Agung said that Indonesia has at least 400 species of freshwater ornamental fish and 650 species of sea water fish. In 2015, Indonesia's contribution to the export value of marine ornamental fish occupies the third position of the world with a value of USD 5.43 million. Meanwhile, freshwater ornamental fish exports occupy the position of the world's top five with a value of USD 14.18 million.

There is also the trend of ornamental fish production is expected to continue to increase to reach 2.5 billion in 2019 from 2016 production which reached 1.31 billion head. While in the last 10 years (2007-2016), Indonesia continues to compete with Singapore, Malaysia, Spain, Japan, Czech and Thailand who dominate the world's ornamental fish market.

"We also have corals and ornamental plants that actually are worldwide.It's a huge potential and we want to lift this fishery object so one of the good economic aspects, can lift the industry, hire many people and make Indonesia become the world's largest ornamental fish suppliers, "he said.


According to Agung, with the potential that exists, Indonesia should be able to beat Singapore which is only a small island country. He revealed, Singapore is currently a competitor of Indonesia as a hub of international ornamental fish industry.

"We want to pull it here, because from Indonesia to Singapore it's added value more than 40 times," he said.

Secretary of the Directorate General of Aquaculture of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Tri Haryanto said, the potential of large Indonesian ornamental fish will be in vain if not as much as possible for the people.

"The potential of ornamental fish is extraordinary in Indonesia and this makes it one of the main performance indicators of our directorate, and in 2016 we are targeting the production of 1.9 billion ornamental fish in 2017. We hope to increase to 2.1 billion," he said.

The government itself is currently preparing the National Action Plan for Development of Ornamental Fish Industry 2017-2021 as a guide to the development effort of ornamental fish in Indonesia. Efforts to develop the potential of ornamental fish is support to the implementation of Presidential Instruction No. 7 of 2016 on the Acceleration of National Fisheries Industry.

Kemenko Kemaritiman together with the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries supports Nusantara Aquatic (Nusatic) in the National Symposium "Development of Indonesian Ornamental Fish Industry: Opportunities and Challenges to be Producer and Exporter of Ornamental Fish Number 1 of the World" was held 30 November 2017 in ICE BSD, South Tangerang.

Then, on 1-3 December 2017 will be held Nusatic 2017 International Ornamental Fish Exhibition (2nd Indonesia Ornamental Fish & Aquatic Plant Show) in the same location. The National Symposium will be opened by Coordinating Minister for Marine Affairs Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan and will discuss efforts to develop the holistic ornamental fish industry.


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