Benefits and Benefits of Vegetables for the Body and Health

in esteem •  7 years ago 

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One of the simplest ways you can make a healthier life is to consume lots of vegetables,
Vegetables are food derived from plants that have high water content,
Vegetables are an important source of many nutrients, including potassium, polic acid, dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C and between vegetables and other vegetables of course have different nutrients or nutrients.

The following are the benefits or benefits of vegetables,

  1. Preventing and Reducing Excess Stress
  2. Streamline defecation
  3. Prevent Heart Disease & Cancer
  4. Maintain a Balanced Weight
  5. Body Energy Resources
  6. Cleaning Toxins In The Body
  7. Preventing Birth Defect Babies
  8. Maintaining Eye Health
  9. Make Healthy Skin
  10. Strengthens Bones
    That is all from me ...Hopefully useful for us all ..



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informative .keep it up