Promote steemit part 2

in esteem •  7 years ago  (edited)

Today, we sit with the steemit team. At a coffee shop in North Aceh, when we talked about steemit. Apparently there is someone who wants to know how steemit, and eager to develop steemit and play steemit. We are also happy to promote and explain steemit to him. And finally he wants to play steemit too.


We are very glad to share the steemit information to the people, especially in our area. So they know what is steemit.


This is our moment to promote steemit today

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Perjuangan yg sangan luarbiasa

terima kasih banyak, semoga perjuangan ini tak sia-sia dan steemit bisa booming di indonesia. tentunya yang utama didaerah kami