One For Nine Time

in esteem •  7 years ago 

One For nine time, only that word can be spoken representing one photo I upload now. One photo for the nine times my little girl's progress is now 5 years old. Healthy always ya my daughter.

Satu mewakili semuanya, hanya kata itu yang dapat terucap mewakili satu foto yang saya upload sekarang ini. Satu foto untuk sembilan masa perkembangan putri kecilku yang sekarang beranjak 5 tahun. Sehat selalu ya putriku.


his photo tells a princess from the age of one year, she already know how to hold pencil and write even though it's just scribble, always cheerfully play with her brother, and start learning to walk, likes to play bike, also likes to pose when in photo.

foto ini menceritakan seorang putri dari usia satu tahun, ia sudah tahu cara memegang pensil dan menulis walaupun itu hanya coretan, selalu riang bermain dengan abangnya, dan mulai belajar berjalan, suka bermain sepeda, juga suka berpose bila di foto.

This is all I want to say, regards to all.

Hanya ini yang ingin saya utarakan, salam untuk semua.

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Enjoy your princes while you have her and teach her the way that is right :)

Yes,, thank. Really you say,
And parents should set a good example for their child.
😊😉 @mineopoly