Weapons in Peaceful Action 🇰🇼 Senjata Dalam Aksi Damai

in esteem •  6 years ago 
Along the Gaza Strip's border it looks like a car tire workshop. A group of Gaza youth groups, residents who took part in the #GreatReturnMarch peace campaign, daily Gaza youth gathered hundreds of used tires to burn during a demonstration last March 30.
The former tire is a weapon to defend in the peaceful action launched by Palestinians, using the tires to reduce the number of casualties and injured from sniper attacks from Israeli Zionists. The pile of prepared tires will be burned on the side of the border in the hope that Israeli zionis snipers can not shoot because of thick and black smoke curtains that will disturb their vision.
Sepanjang perbatasan Jalur Gaza terlihat seperti bengkel ban mobil. Sekumpulan kelompok pemuda Gaza, warga yan mengikuti aksi damai #GreatReturnMarch, setiap harinya para pemuda Gaza mengumpulkan ratusan ban bekas untuk dibakar selama demonstrasi berlangsung sejak 30 Maret silam.Ban bekas merupakan senjata untuk pertahankan dalam aksi damai yang dilancarkan warga Palestina, para menggunakan ban tersebut untuk mengurangi jumlah korban jiwa dan terluka dari serangan penembak jitu dari Zionis Israel. Tumpukan ban yang disiapkan akan dibakar di sisi perbatasan dengan harapan bahwa penembak jitu zionis Israel tidak dapat menembak karena tirai asap tebal dan hitam yang akan mengganggu visi mereka.
This tire-burning action is not the first time Palestinian action against the Israeli army. The strategy was first used during the resistance, also known as the intifada, in 1987. But this time, for the first time, they burn a huge amount of tires at the eastern end of the Gaza Strip's border.
Friends @steemians , Ramadhan is getting closer. However, the Palestinian population to date has not been able to feel a peaceful and comfortable life. They are still struggling in fighting for Palestinian independence and recapturing his homeland from the Israeli zones.
Tindakan membakar ban bukan pertama kalinya tindakan Palestina melawan tentara Israel. Strategi ini pertama kali digunakan selama perlawanan, juga dikenal sebagai Intifada, pada tahun 1987. Tetapi kali ini, untuk pertama kalinya, mereka membakar sejumlah besar ban di ujung timur perbatasan Jalur Gaza.
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