Tabiat manusia menurut hari lahir (human nature according to his birthday)

in esteem •  6 years ago 


✓ luarnya baik
✓ hatinya panasan
✓ tapi besar hati
✓ kuat ingatannya
✓ sombong tapi suka menolong
✓ pandai berbicara
✓ berani memberi nasehat kepada orang tua

✓ the outside is good
✓ his heart panicked
✓ but big heart
✓ strong memory
✓ arrogant but helpful
✓ good at talking
✓ dare to give advice to parents

✓ tingkah lakunya baik
✓ berhati baik
✓ berkemanusiaan
✓ keras, berbicara tegas
✓ berwibawa
✓ jujur dan ikhlas

✓ good behavior
✓ good heart
✓ humanity
✓ loud, speak firmly
✓ authoritative
✓ honest and sincere

✓ sulit di percaya
✓ pendirian tidak tetap
✓ sering di benci
✓ selalu penasaran
✓ selalu ingin tahu urusan orang

✓ hard to believe
✓ establishment is not fixed
✓ often hate
✓ always curious
✓ always want to know people's affairs

✓ senang bekerja
✓ sederhana orang nya
✓ jika baik terlalu baik
✓ jika buruk terlalu buruk
✓ tak banyak bicara
✓ kasar kalau berbicara

✓ happy to work
✓ simple person
✓ if it's good too good
✓ if bad is too bad
✓ not talk much
✓ rude when talking

✓ ahli/senang berfikir
✓ adat nya tak tetap
✓ mudah tercapai maksud
✓ wibawa orang nya
✓ kurang pandai menjaga persahabatan
✓ pemarah, tapi mudah di rayu

✓ expert / happy thinking
✓ custom is not fixed
✓ easy to achieve intentions
✓ the authority of the person
✓ less able to maintain friendship
✓ grumpy, but easy to flirt

✓ bersih dan rapi
✓ bertekat yang kuat walaupun itu sulit
✓ rajin menuntut ilmu
✓ malas di saat permulaan segala aktivitas
✓ rajin disaat sudah di mulainya aktivitas

✓ clean and neat
✓ strong determination even though it's difficult
✓ diligently studying
✓ lazy at the beginning of all activities
✓ diligently when the activity starts

✓ rapi suka berdandan
✓ berhati baik
✓ pantang menyerah
✓ optimis
✓ suka berusaha
✓ suka bekerjasama
✓ ahli berdagang
✓ mudah dalam mendapat untuk banyak

✓ neat likes to dress up
✓ good heart
✓ never give up
✓ optimistic
✓ likes to try
✓ likes to work together
✓ expert trading
✓ easy to get for a lot

Ayoo di mana posisi teman stemit semua
Lihat dan introspeksi diri kalian.

Ayoo where is the friend's position all **
See and introspect yourself.

Cukup disini sekian dan terimakasih?




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