Gerhana Matahari Cincin Di Indonesia 26 Desember 2019/Ring Solar Eclipse In Indonesia December 26, 2019

in esteem •  5 years ago  (edited)

Selamat malam sahabat Steemian,apa kabarnya malam ini? Semoga kalian selalu sehat dan bahagia ya Aamiin.

Malam hari ini aku ingin berbagi pengalamanku saat terjadi gerhana matahari cincin di negaraku Indonesia. Suatu fenomena alam yang unik dan langka yang jarang terjadi di Indonesia.

Dua peristiwa penting terjadi di Indonesia pada Hari Kamis, tanggal 26 Desember 2019 yang lalu. Pertama, tanggal 26 Desember 2019 adalah tanggal bersejarah, 15 tahun sudah bencana alam tsunami berlalu dan masih menyisakan cerita duka bagi mereka yang mengalaminya. Semoga kisah sedih tersebut tidak terulang kembali, Aamiin.

Sumber gambar : screenshoot dari what's App video kiriman dari teman.
Kedua, gerhana matahari cincin terjadi di beberapa daerah di Indonesia dan di beberapa negara lainnya , di antaranya : India, Arab Saudi, Qatar, Uni Emirat Arab, Oman, India, Srilangka, Malaysia, Singapura, di Samudera Hindia dan Samudera Pasifik.
Sumber gambar : screenshoot dari what's app video kiriman dari teman.

Gerhana matahari cincin dimulai dari sekitar jam setengah 11 siang waktu Indonesia bagian Barat dan puncak terjadinya gerhana matahari cincin sekitar jam 12.17 waktu Indonesia Barat dan berakhir sekitar jam 2 siang waktu Indonesia bagian Barat.

Bagiku ini adalah pengalaman pertamaku terjadi gerhana matahari cincin dan aku sedang di luar rumah, berjualan makanan keliling. Aku tidak mempunyai kacamata hitam sehingga aku berusaha untuk tidak melihat langsung ke arah sinar matahari saat terjadi gerhana karena yang aku tahu sangat berbahaya bagi kesehatan mata melihat langsung ke arah sinar matahari saat terjadi gerhana.

Ada seseorang yang mengusulkan kepadaku untuk melihat gerhana matahari melalui wadah berisi air. Aku pun mencoba untuk melihat gerhana matahari di wadah berisi air sesaat setelah aku pulang dari berjualan.
Air di dalam wadah bersinar keemasan terkena pantulan sinar matahari.

Ternyata benar gerhana matahari sedang terjadi. Aku melihat langsung seperti ada bulan sabit di dalam wadah berisi air.


Aku terpana heran bercampur senang melihat fenomena alam yang langka tersebut. Ciptaan Allah memang tiada tandingannya.😍

Aku juga mencoba untuk memotretnya secara langsung ke arah sinar matahari di langit tanpa memandangnya ke atas menggunakan smartphone Xiomi. Penampakan seperti bulan sabit memantul ke atap rumahku.

Dari spanduk yang terpasang di teras rumah yang sudah lapuk dan berlubang-lubang, aku juga melihat pantulan sinar matahari saat gerhana berbentuk seperti barisan bulan sabit yang bertumpuk.

Aku juga mendapat kabar dari teman-temanku, mereka juga melihat penampakan gerhana matahari di rumahnya. Seperti foto-foto di bawah ini :

Pantulan sinar matahari saat gerhana matahari cincin tampak di lantai teras rumah @bambangsuraji dan @listya. Tampak cantik seolah-olah seperti ada bulan sabit kembar. 🌙🌙😍

Penampakan gerhana matahari cincin juga terlihat di lantai kamar mandi rumah temanku teh Eli. Dia mengambil gayung berisi air dan meletakkannya di lantai kamar mandi yang terkena pantulan sinar matahari saat terjadi gerhana sehingga penampakan bulan sabit terlihat lebih jelas di dasar gayung.

Ini penampakan gerhana matahari cincin di tempat tinggal temanku @nyakti yang tinggal di Aceh. Difoto langsung menggunakan kamera smartphone miliknya.

Tampilan gerhana matahari cincin tersebut memang berbeda-beda di setiap tempat dan di setiap negara yang mengalami fenomena alam gerhana matahari cincin. Hampir semua orang kagum dan takjub melihatnya.

Dan ini adalah wadah berisi air yang aku potret sekitar jam setengah dua siang waktu Indonesia bagian Barat, sesaat setelah gerhana matahari terjadi di tempat tinggalku dan mungkin masih berlangsung di daerah lain di Indonesia. Tampilan air di dalam wadah tersebut terlihat biasa-biasa saja, tidak lagi bersinar keemasan dan tidak ada lagi gambar bulan sabit di dalam wadah berisi air tersebut. Aku merasa beruntung karena tadi aku sudah memotretnya saat gerhana matahari cincin terjadi, meskipun di tempat tinggalku hanya mengalami gerhana matahari cincin sebagian, tetapi aku merasa bersyukur dan merasa senang menyaksikan peristiwa yang sangat langka terjadi yang belum tentu terjadi dalam kurun waktu setahun sekali.

Terima kasih sahabat Steemian telah meluangkan waktunya untuk membaca postingan pengalamanku ini, kurang lebihnya mohon maaf, selamat malam dan selamat berakhir pekan, semoga harimu menyenangkan.

English Version :
Good night, friend Steemian, how are you tonight? May you always be healthy and happy, Aamiin.

Tonight I want to share my experiences when a ring solar eclipse occurred in my country Indonesia. A unique and rare natural phenomenon that rarely occurs in Indonesia.

Two important events occurred in Indonesia on Thursday, December 26, 2019 ago. First, December 26, 2019 is a historic date, 15 years have passed since the tsunami disaster and still leaves a sad story for those who experience it. Hopefully the sad story will not be repeated, Aamiin.

Image source: screenshoot from what's App video posts from friends.
Second, ring solar eclipses occur in several regions in Indonesia and in several other countries, including: India, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Oman, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore, in the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean.

Image source: screenshoot from what's app video posts from friends.

The ring solar eclipse starts at around 11:30 a.m. Western Indonesian time and the peak of a ring solar eclipse is around 12.17 Western Indonesia time and ends at around 2 noon Western Indonesia time.

For me this was my first experience of a ring solar eclipse and I was outside the house, selling food around. I don't have sunglasses so I try not to look directly at the sun during an eclipse because what I know is very dangerous for eye health looking directly at the sun during an eclipse.

Someone suggested to me to look at a solar eclipse through a container of water. I also tried to see a solar eclipse in a container filled with water shortly after I returned from selling.

The water in the container glows golden in the reflection of the sun.

It was true that a solar eclipse was happening. I looked directly like there was a crescent in a container filled with water.

I was stunned by the mingled wonder of seeing this rare natural phenomenon. God's creation is unmatched

I also tried to shoot it directly into the sun in the sky without looking up using Xiomi's smartphone. Sight like a crescent moon bounced off my roof.

From the banners mounted on the porch of the house which was rotted and with holes, I also saw the reflection of sunlight when the eclipse was shaped like a row of crescent moons that piled up.

I also got word from my friends, they also saw the appearance of a solar eclipse in his house. Like the photos below:

The reflection of sunlight during a ring solar eclipse appears on the porch floor of the house @bambangsuraji and @listya. Looks beautiful as if there are twin crescent moons.

The appearance of a ring solar eclipse was also seen on the bathroom floor of my friend Eli's sister house. He took a dipper filled with water and placed it on the bathroom floor exposed to sunlight during an eclipse so that the appearance of the crescent moon was seen more clearly at the bottom of the dipper.

This is the appearance of a ringed solar eclipse where my friend @nyakti lives in Aceh. Photographed directly using his smartphone camera.

The appearance of the ring solar eclipse is indeed different in each place and in every country that experiences the natural phenomenon of the ring solar eclipse. Almost everyone is amazed and amazed to see it.

And this is a container filled with water that I took about half past two in the afternoon in Western Indonesia, shortly after the solar eclipse took place in my place and may still be taking place in other parts of Indonesia. The appearance of the water in the container looks mediocre, no longer glows golden and there is no longer a picture of the crescent moon in the container filled with water. I feel fortunate because I had already photographed it when the ring solar eclipse occurred, although in my place only experienced a partial ring solar eclipse, but I feel gratefu l and feel happy to witness a very rare event that occurs that does not necessarily occur within a period of once a year.

Thank you friend Steemian for taking the time to read this experience post, more or less apologize, good night and happy weekend, have a nice day.

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