Cause of Sholat Not Khusyu
Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu.
SubhanAllah things are considered ordinary but this is the culprit destructive of the solemnity of prayer:
- Lie, "One who lies during the day and night will not pray his prayer."
2.talking about his brother's disgrace, "Ghibah zhulmatul qolbi, darkness of heart".
Rough temperament, "ghodbhaan is easily angry again roughly open the width of the road of shaitan to enter".
Likes to judge others, "Kuflul qolbi base arrogant"
5.eyes staring at aurat that is not haqnya, "The main cause is pulled out the delicious worship".
The hand touches or accepts the haram let alone eat it, "into the energy of lust ma'shiyat".
Lots of talk, lots of laughs, a lot of vain, "this makes the heart so staid as a rock".
SubhanAllah if one day we can pass through it without the 7 ma'shiyat, inshaAllah BEAUTY and KENI'MATAN SHOLAT we will feel at night.
Allahumma ya Allah hiasilah our life with the calamity of worship and glory of morality ... aamiin.
SubhanAllah do not forget before the ablution break first, pray and berazam u night prayer ... more beautiful again berdzikir to fall asleep, duhai sholehku friend .