I Don't Care How Much Money You Have!

in esteem •  5 years ago  (edited)

I have in the past made important decisions about people I work with, agents and producers - big decisions based largely on how they treat the wait staff in the restaurant we're having the meeting in. I don't care if you're the most powerful cat in the room, I will judge you on how you treat the least powerful. - Tim Minchin

Have you ever noticed that as people start to earn more money they often become more disrespectful towards those with less financial power?

I did.

And I vigorously condemn such behavior.

A close friend of mine became a real a****** as his bank account began to grow considerably.

I remember we met at a café a couple of years back and he ordered latte macchiato for the two of us. When the waiter came back to serve the drinks, my friend looked at him and said in the most depreciatory way possible:

As time goes by the size of your glasses is getting smaller, huh? Unbelievable.

He shook his head, sippet at the (regular sized!) latte and grinned at me.

I felt so embarrassed.

It was shocking to see how that person had changed since he became one of those star consultants that earn way too much money.

That was the last time we met.


We're all Earthlings in the end.

I don't care how much money you do have in your crypto wallet, but I do care about how you're able to handle it.

The only thing that matters to me is how you treat people.

As an entrepreneur I'm in the lucky position to freely choose who I do business with, and I go with Tim Minchin here: I'd never work with anybody who doesn't respect the basic rules of humanness.

I can guarantee you that if you're dishonest, disrespectful or disloyal, you will neither become my business partner nor my friend.

On the other hand, if you're honest, respectful, loyal and demonstrate a sense of empathy, chances are high that you'll call my attention right from the start.

If you even hold the door open for someone else, say thank you when someone else does for you, or let someone through first at the supermarket checkout because they're about to purchase only one or two items while your shopping cart is brimmed, then you'll definitely amaze me!

Is that a fair deal? 🙃

When it comes to protecting human values that are threatened with extinction, I can be quite relentless.

Sorry for being so honest with you...

Have a nice day and remember: We're all Earthlings in the end.

Much love,
Marley -

This blog was created in July 2016, aiming to provide thought-provoking content for open-minded people who go on adventure, step out of comfort zones and embrace the new.
Thanks for being part of the journey!


PS: All my blog posts are created and submitted via eSteem Surfer - my favorite Steem desktop client that was developed by @good-karma's @esteemapp team. Check out their account for more information.

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"I don't care how much money you do have in your crypto wallet, but I do care about how you're able to handle it." Very nicely put.

Thanks a lot @apshamilton, I'm glad you like it :-)

you're definitely right.
For the character of some people money is the biggest enemy.
I know many very wealthy people, only very few of them are happy.
We should be glad to know :
Money can't buy everything!
We should choose our friends carefully, that's why I haven't so much 🤣😅😁
Have a wonderful day

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So nice you stopped by, Tom!
Money can't fill that big hole inside yourself, and that's why so many wealthy people start to become addicted to drugs and alcohol.

I don't have many friends either for the very same reason :-)

Have a fantastic day, too!!

The simple gestures of kindness make far more impact that the grandiose ones.

Definitely! Thanks for the valuable adding, @gikitiki :-)

The only thing that matters to me is how you treat people.

It really matters, I mean how we treat others.

Thanks @surfermarly, you’ve been good to me.

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Likewise, Max. I think it's the only way :-)

I have to agree, respect is needed so much more these days.

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Let's preach it!

I feel ya @surfermarly

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Hello @surfermarly, it's unfortunate but many people in the world have been losing the sense of humanity and accepting each other respecting our differences, the world would be more harmonious and wonderful if we all learn to have a little more civilization. The fact of having money or some position of power does not make better person to another, being a respectful person and with principles is what makes us better human beings, thank you for so important words. Happiness always

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator

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I love your comment and would sign every word you said here. Thank you @marinmex!! :-)

Wish human values will not be extinct.
It is all we've got, suppose to be.

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YES. It is everything we have and everything that actually matters. Thank you :-)

My work habitat is the banking and insurance industry... Sadly I have to say, that "humannes" decreases the higher or fancier the title of someone is in this sector. Luckily, my main contacts are on the lower echelons and have still held their integrity...

I am with you completely on this one, I only respect the ones that respect me... No matter how fancy their business card spells...

Thanks for the insight, @pele23!

Oh job titles... I learned that when it has a "Vice" in front of it, people start to really go crazy.

For over 10 years I have been wondering what exactly "Key Account Manager" means, because I have met some that truly believe that the Tropic of Capricorn or even the Equator runs through their ass!

Hahaha - So it's the key to paradies after all? :-D

Lol, some say so... Who knows? :-)

Its the other way around: A top level basketballer will not become tall from playing basketball. People with certain character traits get more money because they have a "modified" moral. Some people here are upvoting their own shit, and self vote more than voting others.

Those are the people running away when there is an accident or people leaving their country when it is attacked, instead of helping.

That's a very interesting thought, and I guess you're completely right about it.

Yet, luckily there are still people with influence who have kept their integrity and didn't sell their grandmothers in order to come to the top.

I'll always be sticking with the good examples :-)

Que buenas, palabras, lo mejor es siempre llevar la humildad por delante, eso siempre va a valer mucho mas que todo el dinero que tengas, la humildad es lo que te presentara, tus buenos actos, no el dinero saludos amiga.

Eso es! Me alegro que estemos de acuerdo :-)

Mi abuela siempre dice, quizas hoy tengamos mucho dinero, quizas mañana no tienes nada! siempre quedaran las buenas acciones que hagamos, en lo personal pienso que para hacer grandes acciones solo necesitas ser humilde y tener buen corazon.

Tienes una abuela muy sabia :-) Comparto tu punto de vista! Tener buenos valores es todo que realmente cuenta.

Que bueno, ojala mucha gente pensara igual que tu o igual que yo, vivimos en una sociedad muy difícil de comprender. El dinero cambia a la mayoría de la gente?. Es super triste como hoy en día mucha gente es menos preciada por otras personas con dinero, como tu muy bien lo explicas, pero bueno nada con ese tipo de artículos pones un grano de arena para ayudar a cambiar el pensamiento de la sociedad amiga mia.

I have seen money change so many people
Even people who are close to me
I guess that's why they say Money is the root of all evil ... and it is depending on who's pocket it is filling
And I notice it is normally with new money ....

No, I think it is fair... they are your terms and it is what it is :)

Yeah, money can make people mean. The more awareness about that fact, the merrier - so I'm glad that many people have been responding to that post. It's important to talk about it. Thanks for participating!! :-)

money doesn't change people, it allows them to show their true face
your friend was an asshole even before he became rich, he never showed it before because he needed those people in one way or another.
if you get to have enough money to not depend on anyone you can tell people to fuck off if you feel like. you have nothing to lose anyway.

Yeah, you're probably right about this. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts :-) Hopy you're having a great Friday!

you are easily amazed then ;)

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Hehe... hopefully :-)

Money always checks the person. A person can say anything, be anyone, but his real essence is manifested precisely when a person has money and power.

I couldn't agree more :-)

Still enjoying your gift? :)
Great post by the way!

Which of them? :-)) Both the silver token and the VGIFT are in good and proud hands.

Thanks for stopping by @virtualgrowth, I'm glad you enjoyed the post. Hope life's treating you well.

I have the very same philosophy and have seen a few people change as they’ve found their fortunes as well. So many people these days view “friendship” as a potential business transaction, hoping for some kind of favor or just access to your network of contacts. These types get easier to spot once you have crossed paths with a few.

Yeah, the older the wiser :-)
Since I totally avoid such sort of people I live a healthier life.

Glad we once more share the same perspective and values, Eric :-) Thanks for stopping by and letting me know!

You’re welcome! I’m finding nothing is as character-revealing as success/wealth.

It's really funny how money magnifies certain attributes of people. I think its easy to forget your morals and values when there is a lot of temptation not that it is an excuse.

I've never really understood why these things can't be seperated. Why can't we be rich and kind at the same time? Does it cost more efforts to be nice once you're a big fat whale? :-)

Let's prove the opposite!

Had the great chance of meeting a bunch of these toxic people while working in various gambling stores around my city so I get what you mean.
No need to have any toxic people around us. Calm and positive vibes only.

Yeah, I fully agree @knowhow92!

Well I am happy that they are more people like you on the planet to draw attention back to humanity. Thanks and love

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Thank YOU for stopping by @teodora! It's good to see so many people are sharing the very same thoughts here, that says a lot about this community :-)

I don't get that what he meant by the size of those glasses btw? Is it some degradatory saying in English or?

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Haha, no it's not a saying. It's a reference to the quote i opened the article with :-)

I have in the past made important decisions about people I work with, agents and producers - big decisions based largely on how they treat the wait staff in the restaurant we're having the meeting in. I don't care if you're the most powerful cat in the room, I will judge you on how you treat the least powerful. - Tim Minchin

When someone serves me a drink I say thank you, and if I have anything to complain about, then I do it in a respectful manner.

I've often witnessed that those lines start to blur the more power people do have. Then thank you suddenly seems to be such a big deal.

Money or no money, honor, and respect go a long way.


You are right. To much money can change a person into an asshole they lose the respect and become snooty.

I don't think money can change human behaviour...

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Unfortunately it often does. I wish you were right :-(

Money does change people. They usually become more of who they really are.

Congratulations @surfermarly!
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Money is the root of all evil, as they say. It made some feel like they are influential, knowledgeable and has rights to do anything they wanted to do. People who cant respect others is a ... i dont know what to call them

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