Menemani si Bocah Bermain | Accompany the boy to play

in esteem •  7 years ago 


Sore hari itu cuacanya begitu panas padahal jam sudah menunjukkan pukul 5 sore. Karena waktu berbuka masih 2 jam lagi akhirnya kami jalan - jalan sore untuk menikmati udara luar karena di rumah sangat gerah akibat panasnya cuaca.

In the afternoon it was so hot when it was 5 o'clock. Because the breaking time is still 2 hours away we finally walk - the way of the afternoon to enjoy the outside because the house is very hot due to the heat of the weather.


Dengan sepeda motor kami berjalan pelan sambil menikmati hiruk pikuk jalanan dan melihat - lihat takjil yang di jual di seputaran jalan. Namun tidak tahan juga berlama - lama di atas motor karena panas di jalanan serta debu - debu yang menerpa wajah kami oleh terpaan angin dari lalu lalang kendaraan.

With a motorcycle we walked slowly while enjoying the bustle of the streets and see - takjil seen on the street around the road. But can not stand too long on the motor because of the heat on the streets and dust - dust that hit our faces by the wind from traffic.


Akhirnya kami singgah di sebuah taman untuk berteduh dari panasnya matahari. Sibocah sangat senang saat tiba di taman karena ayunan serta main pelorosotan di taman tersebut. Asiknya dia bermain sampai diajak pulang enggak mau. Namun karena waktu berbuka hampir tiba kami langsung pulang walau si bocah meronta tidak mau. Begitulah sifat sibocah kalau sedang asik bermain tidak mau pulang - pulang.

Finally we stopped at a park to take shelter from the heat of the sun. The boy was thrilled when he arrived at the park because of the swings and slides in the park. Fun he plays up to go home do not want to. But because the breaking time almost arrived we went straight home even though the boy wriggled did not want to. That's the nature of the boy when it's cool to play do not want to go home - go home.

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