Pemimpin (Leader).

in esteem •  7 years ago 

Pemimpin bukanlah seseorang yang memberi mimpi, melainkan mewujudkan mimpi, pemimpin bukan juga pengubar janji melainkan menepati janji, pemimpin harus mampu membangkitkan potensi bawahan bukan mengeluh setiap ada kesalahan, pemimpin harus bisa menghargai bukan cuma ingin dihargai, pemimpin menjadi panutan bukan malah menuntut bawahan untuk bisa sepertinya.

Leader is not someone who gives dreams, but realize dreams, leaders not also promise but promise promise, leaders must be able to evoke potential subordinates rather than complain every mistake, leaders should be able to appreciate not just want to be respected, leaders become role models instead of demanding subordinates to be able it seems.

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Its very variety, subtlety, and utterly irrational, idiomatic complexity makes it possible to say things in English which simply cannot be said in any other language.
Author: Robert A. Heinlein