Ingredients :
- 25 eggs, the better you use duck eggs
- 250 grm white sugar
- 250 grm Butter or butter, then melt
- 1 can of SKM (sweetened condensed milk), white color
- 1 tsp Vanilla esence
How to make :
- Prepare a square pan for maxuba mold, then apply a little butter to keep it from sticking
- For dough we need 2 different containers, first container for maxuba dough, and second for dough coating
- The first container we shake all eggs, sugar, and vanilla esence, until well blended and become dough, then set aside
- The second container for the layer, we mix melted butter with 1 can of sweetened condensed milk, stir until well blended
- Now begin to input the first container dough just a bit for the first layer into the prepared pan and then flatten it
then the oven using the upper coals or pickup, wait 10 minutes samapai maksuba maxo brownish color slightly - Remove the pan that already contains the first dough, then seal with a second container adoanan for the lining, oven again until cooked
- Pour out the first dough mixer over the second container dough layer, and wait another 10 minutes, do the same each of these maxure cake layers to full and layered
- Usually maxuba cake making this takes 3 hours, until maxato cake laminated it is perfect
- When it is cooked please you remove the maxuba cake, and serve it in a serving dish that you have prepared
- Cake maxuba ready for you to enjoy.
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