The characters are based on Soeharto's role as a head families and leaders of the country.

in esteem •  7 years ago  (edited)


Soeharto's characters are depicted
by Suharto as a person
the earthy, the helper, and the personal
knight. The characters are based
on Soeharto's role as a head
families and leaders of the country. Not only
that is, the unique character of the Islamist Suharto and
Kejawen is seen from every role, both at
family environment and environment
it works. Character as a knight, earthy
as well as the aides backdrop of origin
Soeharto as the village peasant boy in
Yogyakarta. The Javanese life philosophy that he is
budayakan from small. The characters that are
described by the speakers is
characters based on
life of the Javanese. Javanese ideology is used
as the basis for the development of internal discourse
the biography.
Every resource person tells
their experiences with Soeharto are used
as knowledge to build a
discourse. The Cendana family as a party
the ruler has an important role as
discourse controller. Discourse control is done
through topic determination and selection
resource persons eligible to earn
chance to tell
his experience in the biography.
The role of the Cendana family as the insurer
answers and advisers in the preparation of books
biography became the main factor of dissemination
the discourse goes smoothly and sterile from the parties-
outsiders who are not interested. That
why there is a noticeable distance between
the front stage of discourse and stage
back in the process of making a biography book
so the biography can not be said
just a book that tells
the journey of one's life. There is always a discourse
as well as the ideology ridden by the group
the ruler to a grave
power, not only material power, but
also the power of knowledge.
Soeharto's biography: The Untold Stories
become a powerful means of dissemination
social character owned by Soeharto. Character
which are portrayed to be positive and
depicting Suharto who owns
character leader, simple and
responsible to be the dominant ideology
in the book. This ideology is used by
the Cendana family as well as the ones who are
sided with Suharto to strengthen the discourse
dominant Suharto as a national hero.
The book writing setting is dominated by
people closest to Soeharto and facts outside
book writing (the founding of Suharto's monument,
Golkar's 2014 election campaign, website)
is part of the means for legitimacy
Soeharto as a legitimate Hero in the eye
It is clear that the writing of the book
biography that is claimed to be the source
abru knowledge for readers turned out
contains interests and discourses
produced by the ruler to reach the goal
they. It takes a critical attitude from the people
readers of the book so as not only agree
what is written in the book. For that writing
is the fruit of the author always

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