in esteem •  7 years ago 

Tonight's post wouldn't be very musical, nor would it be in anyway poetic.

I want to say that I am angry, but then again why should I be? Truth is, I really do not know how to get angry. Not sure where I left the anger software some years back.

Okay so back to my day....

I woke up quite early because I was to drive my pregnant friend to where she would register and get her Voters card, I got to her place as early as 8:01 am and we left to the site for the registration.

You wouldn't believe that there was a mammoth crowd there, most of which got to the site as early as 4 am , please what in God's name were they doing there that early. I heard they came that early just to write their names seeing as the guys who did the registration worked based on the lists written at the gate. Well that's after they come to work as late as 9 am, and have you wait some hours before opening u the office.

I was never more grateful for her big stomach than I was today. The fact that she was pregnant gave us some kind of preference. She went in and in 3 hours she was out.

We now had to go baby shopping. While in the supermarket where we were to get the items, the girls at the counter kept looking at us and giggling until one of them finally summoned some courage to ask my pregnant-lady-friend, if I was her husband.

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