Shoots "Seurapoh Atoet" or Chlorophyll / Pucuk "Seurapoeh Atoet" atau Clorofil

in esteem •  7 years ago 


Leaf shoots "seurapoh Atoet" or chlorophyll is taken with a 24 Mp HP Vivo V7 camera.

Pucuk daun "seurapoeh Atoet" atau clorofil diambil dengan kamera HP Vivo V7 24 Mp.

Leaf seurapoh atoet often applied for wound medicine. Efficacy is very quick to heal wounds. Usually after applied this leaf, the wound will dry out. A few days, the wound will heal.

Daun seurapoeh atoet sering dioleskan untuk obat luka. Khasiatnya sangat cepat menyembuhkan luka. Biasanya setelah dioleskan daun ini, luka akan mengering. Beberapa hari saja, luka akan sembuh.

In addition it can also cure gastritis or stomach. The leaves of this chlorophyll are boosted with a blender. Blender results are filtered. The water of chlorophyll starch is taken once a week.

Di samping itu juga bisa menyembuhkan mag atau lambung. Daun clorofil ini dikuatkan dengan blender. Hasil blender tersebut disaring. Air sari pati clorofil tersebut diminum seminggu sekali.

Note: drinking too often will have low blood effect.

Note: meminum terlalu sering akan berefek pada rendah darah.

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Nyan ka maher

Assalammualaikum wr.wb.tgk yusfriadi

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