in esteem •  6 years ago 


No matter how good a food intake you eat,no one has the perfect nutrition in the body.With an environment that contains many substances that are not good for our body,or stress because of work can affect the nutrients in our body.Here are the supplements that are recommended for consumption:


: Multivitamin/mineral supplements

: Probiotic supplements

: Vitamin B-complex (to help reduce stress,increase metabolic work and help boost the immune system)

: Vitamins that contain EFA (Essential fatty acid / Omega 3)

: Fish oil (to help improve the brain work,improve the digestive system,reduce stress,and control appetite)

Everyone has different nutritional needs.Consult a nutritionist to discuss what supplements are right for you.

All the tips mentioned above are things that are fairly easy to do,no matter how busy you are.Remember always that your health is more important than your busy life.Keep in mind that the key to healthy living is the dedication and motivation of ourselves to start a healthy life.So,even if busy,do not forget to keep your health...

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