A place of recreation in East Aceh that has a lot of visitors who want to see first hand the greenness of the surrounding place that in berinama FOREST BAKAU.
7 years ago by aparaman (46)
- Past Payouts $0.62
- - Author $0.48
- - Curators $0.14
13 votes
- + esteemapp: $0.385 (0.06%)
- + good-karma: $0.217 (0.06%)
- + irsyadullutfi: $0.002 (100%)
- + guebarusadar: $0.002 (100%)
- + aparaman: $0.002 (100%)
- + zamenjoy: $0.002 (100%)
- + shourai: $0.002 (0.1%)
- + mitaneuk: $0.002 (100%)
- + srimulyani94: $0.002 (100%)
- + afnisteem: $0.001 (40.28%)
- + feruz: $0.001 (0.06%)
- + hlisa: $0.001 (100%)
- + demo: $0.000 (0.06%)