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I've been working on something pretty similar over the past couple weeks. You even had the same idea to use MongoDB TTL collections lol - great minds think alike! :)

Looking forward to give it a try... Only downside of nodejs compare to python is single threaded operations which is not great if you want sync from block 0, it might take forever to catch up :) but once synced then you can do everything you want with data. Would be great to see, some apps with personalized data, analyzing db and giving suggestions. Still long way to go but we are getting there

wow hello @ good-karma program that launched benefits for all of us and make your own. post is perfect, good health activity always and greetings know @ alfan13.

Should that be the case, Why not you guys team up and see if you can give us something terrific

It's always good to have more than one choice, no harm in having multiples!

Hi. Ok

It is remarkable that the idea by @ good-karma that has the ability as suggested by @ good-karma is for the sake of Steemit users is all the ideas for us and how we we succeed at Steemit thanks

Post a lot of posts after a long time, I found it very good

Ease of application has always been the ultimate choice for a wide range of very important needs in steem.

@Good-karma thank you for giving motivation to connect with anyone especially when we realize that they still have this blog and answer results from one by one post.

posting, which is nice, this is a blessing for user steemit, hopefully soon finish

it's really cool, hopefully the future will be more successful estemapp, thank to @good-karma

we are waiting for updates @goo-karma
dont forget to vote, comment and follow @fajarsubhan

I'm new at steemit ,,, but your post was very good, thank you for posting,

Upvote back

is amazing

The posts are so beautiful that you

@ good-karma important and good post, you very well thank you always visit my blog.

this is a very informative post.your opinion really good.its information very important for all steemians.i know you are a success man of,if i follow your rules i am really success in my life.every steemians should be know of your information matter.thanks to sharing for your good post..good job sir.. good-@karma

Thanks for sharing valuable post.
Good information.
I appreciate your post.

Amazing post boss

Nice informatiom

Nice post @good-karma

Thank you for sharing sir,, please help me. I have not upvote for a long time

Great. Thank's its benefit information for us

this is great news, for the improvement of esteem performance among its users, including myself.

Amazing post.
Thanks for sharing..

this is very good @ good-karma. with the development of this new application ksmi easier and convenient in using it. hopefully this esync can be useful for us ssmua like esteem that you make for friend of steemit.

Nice post bos

I didnt understan a thing of what are you saying :/

Im new here, so probably that is the reason.
Pls give some link for beginers

Respected @good-karma we all appreciate your efforts for welfare and convince of Steemit community, I have little query about eSteem app. Two months ago I was Upvote by eSteem app very frequently but now didn't get Upvoted for two months, I permanently use eSteem app only. I think the users are increasing that's why we are not Upvoted for long time?

Great works, I wish you success

I can't quite grasp what sSync does but new updates coming soon sound great. I hope you implement automatic server selection soon.


I do not use long esteem @good-karma. Now I want to rejoin the @good-karma ... Thank you very much esteem

Thank you for sharing a very important post.
Good information
I appreciate your posts @good-karma

Nice post

I admire you for having knowledge on things like this at this high level ! :-)
i am impressed.jpg

Fantastic post sir, highly commendable @good-karma

Nice.... Thanks for having us in your heart, we believe things would get better for us all soonest.

This is great news @good-karma. Thank you for your good work so far upvoting post, i have been a beneficiary to your services.

Continue in your good work.

The application of the esteem is indeed remarkable. especially if it adds some other cool updates ...
I will be waiting for a cool update from you @good-karma

We very much hope there of programmers who contributed to this great project in order to develop and eSync we can use together

Hopefully there are developers who welcomes this major project bid in order for the eSync could grow properly

is the best

Would love to know what all additions can we expect in the new update for eEsteem.

very good. i will try to learn eSync later. hopefully eSync is fast growing and progressing @good.karma

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

as a person who has recently joined this magnificent platform I will try to understand the new things you are offering here, what you fix will certainly have positive things and also benefits for steam users, you also continue to help new players in this steemit to be someone who is useful for the family, I personally really appreciate the progress that you develop here, thanks to the good karma many who have done good for all

this is very helpful to us all @good-karma, thank you for giving information and sharing.

Thank you very much @ good-karma for your information and improvements,
I will try esync

Posts are very educational and very useful ,,,.

@good-karma ?

What's wrong with my post, I routinely post but no father came in, I'm a small fish, help me, I'm just a coconut booster,,,,
This is my day job ,,,,

This photo is me in sceenshoot postingan my own.

If you can help me


Thanks for sharing @good-karma 👍

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I am very glad to see this post @good-karma is posting and interesting information thank you.

amazing post..

Wow. this is amazing. and I will tell the programmers to participate in this. success continues @good-karma . I Love eSteem.

imagethis my picture for contest @eSteemapp

* Esteem is a work of creation that is a very sharp advance in this digital era. Searching for new tools is not easy, we are on behalf of big family esteem to pray that hopefully with new excavations can be useful for us all *

it's cool man.
more features of esteem. i wish i can advice something to this app but i don't know coding. so i just upvote, comment and resteem to support this project.
best of luck.

this seems something interesting renewal, good news for supporters eSteem really I await it.

This is nice news. Keep work sir.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Wow, #esync is as good as #esteem I think @good-karma

It seems 99% of the comments on this post so far are just spam!

Great post.Thank's its benefit information may be useful to all @good-karma

@good-karma all the best 👌

thank you, @good-karma

Esteem is great. Thank you @good-karma

Good job @ good_karma thanks a lot sometimes u visit my blog

Saludos luz fermin, siempre en apoyó para crecer como comunidad. Buen trabajo

The amount of spam comments here...

ginabot already exists but it uses discord which is pretty... Um far and close to steemit? You know, it has links to the notifications but it's not native, so i find esteem more interesting to use now. The last time I used it was in was like 2 mos ago, and the ui back then was pretty shit. It's improved and well organized now, well done devs especially you @good-karma. I'd recommend making the markets section more beautiful, like the binance app and enable trading there. Cheers!

hopefully you want to my blog. thank you

Good information, hopefully better esteem

Good post

i like your post, i vote you,, vote back,, good luck,,, @good-karma

very interesting information @ good-karma.
perhaps with the existence of additional applications can make users more easily esteem in managing each blog.
I personally as an active user of this application waiting for the latest breakthrough from eSteem party.

@good-karma upvote me please

thank you @good-karma share information about all of her.

Nice you posting Mr.

This news is very exciting and fun for us, hopefully this development program is quickly launched immediately because it makes us more efficient in the use of this simple method, thanks to the always-innovative good-karma for program renewal, good luck always.

Upvote and resteem.

wondering if dmania steals content just asking a very unique post popped up and post on dmania within days ! Several individuals have some type of testimonial proof and I am new with only a 40 counts in replies so show some value to this platform and comment for all to see !

Nice post dear, thanks for sharing

Hi @good-karma
I use esteem but the notifications does not work?

Could you be more specific please? I have checked some settings, you only have resteem notification enabled, perhaps try enabling all notifications and see if they work

Hi, Yes I have turned everything back on. Have had it on earlier but not gotten any notifications from this app since i downloaded it:-)

I want a lot of followers and given a vote, can I fulfill my wish ...?

Successful @good-carma... I was download eSteem application on my mobile... I wait your inovasion with eSteem...

Good job good-karma 😊

Good Project!

I could not see your post for last couple of months due to missplace my steem password. This is a very good move and i will try to learn this application.wish you all the best.

Ok. We hope better input will be added to it.

I like opensource,.. Easily cheap and valuable...

thanks for sharing this informative useful info.👍😘

Teruslah berkarya,karna karya anda akan selalu dihargai.
saya ingin mengikuti dan mengagumi anda @good-karma

good are you? please vote me...😊

good are you today? please vote me...

I think eSync make easy our works. This features are really awesome. we are check easily now our notification upvote follows, reblogs, mentions, leaderboard, transfers, delegations, and many other types of notifications at this community. its very good work. you makes our work day by day very easily way now. thanks for that.
i have qustion for you. that is still i don't use your esteem apps. today i hear about your @esteem apps, oviously i join today at your apps. i hope it will be makes good opportunity for me. Thank you so much @good-karma for your big contribution. keep it up.

Hello @good-karma I'm wondering if you're interested in promoting eSteem at our event this april. I created a post about the proposal for eSteem and will email you for more details.

good post @good-karma Follow I @arisviyo I steemit indonesia aceh . thanks you @good-karma

good post. as your name. @good-karma

Thank you very much for up date information mr @good-karma

please help vote my account and reestem her friend


Hi my buddy, help me too ya ,, this problem about @esteemapp platform suggestions and shortcomings as well as experience using @esteemapp during this ..

good job and good luck @good-karma

I hope you very best in support all user

Thanks @good-karma.


So beutifull good-karma

Good info. Many thanks @good-karma

Thank you @good-karma

I know how to learn is reading another post like your post. Who know next time we can meetup on steemit international meet

good evening, your post is very interesting and educational I would like to learn how to use eSync I hope we can help mutually and take into account my humble comment a greeting from Venezuela

please help my level up. please

i come from aceh

Hi everyone! pls do help to upvote this post for my friend's father's heart. They need our support right now..

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