Letter From the Other Side: Blockchain Of the Afterlife

in eternitas •  6 years ago  (edited)

Do you believe in the future? I believe there's a future when crypto will completely take over. A point or epoch that will be characterised by crypto-the Crypto Age. How about leaving something behind for your children and the future generation.

Letter from the Afterlife

"Hello my sons and daughters, If you're reading this then it means I've passed on to the light. I hope you're all doing well. I wish I could spend more time with you but alas, the cruel hand of death has taken my presence from you. You're going to do great things and I'll be watching over you from the other side, please remember me as I was. Things were really rough for us during the come up, I'm sorry you had to go through that, I want you to know that I did my best to make things better for the family.

During my sojourn, I stumbled into cryptocurrencies. I was told that it would be a big deal in the near future, so I decided to key into this, hoping that in the event of my death, I could live something more than sad memories and the pain of living in poverty. Please forgive me, I tried my best. By now, I like to think you're in contact with people from Eternitas and they're telling you about what I left behind for you. Please accept these as a token from me to you, I spent many nights learning how to trade and stacked up as much as I could for you all.

Yours Faithfully, Dad"

The future they say is a mystery and time like an ever rolling stream flows and with it comes the changes of times, we grow older and have to think about what we want to leave behind for posterity. First of all, let me congratulate Eternitas IO as the winner of #TwitterPitch hosted by Carsten Maschmeyer (German Shark Tank Judge). The brilliant idea of a platform that manages willed crypto assets. "Eternitas was founded by Dr. Milosz Matuschek, is an award-winning French-German startup, developing blockchain-based solutions for estate planning. One might die but their Will stays on the chain forever."

Eternitas is a project initiated to innovate the way wills are made. There are quite a lot of crypto currencies available, a quick glance through the internet will show this fact. Every day there's a new crypto targeted at solving some problem, there's token sales and whatnot but alas, we can't take it with us after we die. What if you're sitting on a goldmine that could be of benefit to your kids? Imagine a random token purchased amounts to something substantial and though you'd be too dead to notice, I like to think it would be for everyone's benefit if there was a means in which this form of asset be transfered to your progeny. In summary, this is what eternitas offers and then there's more.

Cut out the Middlemen

Crypto currency use and implementation is built on a weird sort of trust that often requires no middleman or "broker". When it comes to wills and asset management, it's often in the hand of lawyers that would charge exhorbitant fees, as well as the "human factor" that makes them susceptible to being swayed into favouritism and other wrong practices. The question is; Why leave your will in the hands of others if you can keep it in your own hands?

So here's a quick rundown about how it works

  • a simple and straightforward Virtual Testament online by use of templates: the Testament should preferably be hand written
  • Transformation of legal prose in smart contract or ricardian contract: A Ricardian contract places the defining elements of a legal agreement in a format that can be expressed and executed in software(wikipedia)
  • Store of Hash of written will in the Blockchain or in a safe database
  • Execution of your will on a given life event: Assets could be digital like crypto, multimedia and other electronic based assets.


This is a safe and secure way to manage your will without fear of it being tampered with or destroyed. Your will will be encoded and you can rest easy knowing that everyone gets what you wanted them to get.


This is not financial advice. Please do you own research, this blog is an expression of my own opinion and is done for entertainment and leisure.

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Upvote for your kids.

I look forward to meeting them

I was wondering about this sort of thing just a few days ago.

Yeah. Its a really nice concept.