Dealing With A Job You Dislike

in eternitas •  6 years ago  (edited)


The term job resentment has been a famous topic in the mouth of many. A countless number of times I've heard people complain about their job. Studies show that resentment and dissatisfaction are one of the core basis of stress, and stress itself is the major cause of illness.

Being in a job we dislike drains us both physically and mentally. Nevertheless, if your job pays you well or you make a living from it, it'd be wise to scout for some positive aspect of your job just to retain your happiness. No job is 100% bad, there is still some little positive aspect of it that we barely see. The best thing to do is focus on the positive aspect of your job so it doesn't drain you mentally and physically.

Nevertheless, this solution isn't permanent. It still has some side effects on us. You can't cheat yourself forever, the fake and bewildered smile you wear every day will soon turn into a frown and your attitude will be the one to undergo the pain.

The solution to this problem is to discover what makes you hate your job. Knowing what makes you wary about your job might as well help you love your job all the same.

You'll have to decipher if it's the actual work or the environment or the working conditions? However, these solutions might tend to be too obvious. Most people utilize lucid techniques to counter these hindrances.

Again, in order to overcome a discontented job, you'll need to know the reasons why you hat it in the first place and then find effective solutions to help the process.

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Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.

Nice saying you got here buddy, to bad your rep scares me from negotiating with you. Please don't comment on my posts again. Cheers.

HI I'm Alikhan I love to see people succeed and you know something God loves just to see people succeed God loves to see people happy God loves to see people fulfilled and you know what you're only going to be happy and fulfilled when you are doing something you love I never forget a guy came to me and he was in his late 30s right around 40 and he was so unhappy as marriage was going bad you know his whole life was about to blow up and we talked for a little while and and and he hated his job he hated what he was doing for a living even was making good money and I'll never forget saying you know something's no wonder your marriage is bad you're so unhappy you're bringing all this unhappiness in there I said what would you do if you could he said always want to be a doctor and I said well then sit down talk to your wife make a plan go be a doctor he said well at my age you can't get into medical school I said oh no no no if you start there you never gonna get there I said if you want to be a doctor God will give you a plan to get there and you start getting some fulfillment in your life you start bringing that home to your marriage your whole world is gonna change you know something I'll tell you the same thing whatever it is you have a passion to do God has a way for you to get there by the way that man did become a doctor and is successful and is still married and happy and so God wants that field he wants you to be doing something you love to do every day get up and enjoy going and working and producing the fruit of your Labor's if you're interested in discovering how to how to connect with God and get his plan for what you want to do with your life if you click below I'll pop you an email this third is gonna take you to a short message I'm telling you what you're gonna discover an incredible freedom of choice that God is gonna give you and then he's going to show you how to get there in a way that keeps you connected to him and you know something when you realize how much God wants you to succeed that's the thing you want to do you can't help but fall in love with him more you can't help them be happier and more satisfied and bring that home to your family

Oh my God! Whats all this 😞😫😫