in eternitas •  6 years ago  (edited)

A will or testament is a legal document by which a person, the testator, expresses their wishes as to how their property is to be distributed at death, and names one or more persons, the executor, to manage the estate until its final distribution. For the devolution of property not disposed of by will, see inheritance and intestacy.Ref

Throughout most of the world, disposal of an estate has been a matter of social custom. According to Plutarch, the written will was invented by Solon. Originally, it was a device intended solely for men who died without an heir.Re

The stage drama usually display by family members, and relatives after reading of will of a deceased person which could favour or Mar whom it may concern. Will either written or oral has always been the measure of standard use for distribution of wealth of a testator.

Will drafted are entrusted into the hands of a third party who he/she is also the witness between the owner and the family members. This properties can either be land, house, cars, funds etc are pass from the testator to who he/she desire to pass inheritance to for continuity.

Involvement of third parties has deprived family members of the bereaved family total autonomous power and without doubt has it own flaws for example void will, forgery, procrastination, destruction, death of the third party etc. Above all odd @Eternitas is here to return back power to the testator even after death.

Eternitas help you set up your own will on their platform safeguard, store without involving third party. Eternitas will help bridge the gap between the testator will and relative using the blockchain a decentralized platform.


Eternitas is now in partnership with contract vault, one of the leading platform for customized legal and smart contracts legal tech service that will help in property distribution partnership


Eternitas is a blockchain base platform that gives power back to the testator even after death. They help people to write, store and safeguard their will on the blockchain which is immutable. They are ready to help to implement and give transparency using the blockchain which is decentralized.

What Eternitas Is Here To Offer

• Autonomy : They help you create your will in an immortal coded form and execute it with the help of a decentralized network. Giving back control back to the original owner.

• Safety : The issue of theft, destruction, forgery will be a forgotten issue as no single human party is involved in the distribution or keeping of will.

• Easiness : It's quicker as the testator will has nothing to do with will been entrusted to the hands of a third party but store on a decentralized system making it easier and less expensive.

About Contract Vault

Built in the heart of the Swiss Crypto Valley, in Zug, Contract Vault is an advanced platform built with blockchain technology that allows users with little or no legal or technical knowledge to create, customise, manage and deploy legal contracts and legally-enforceable smart contracts and makes the trade of physical property and rights on the blockchain possible.Contact vault

How it works

Virtual Testament online by use of templates

Testament – handwritten will or donation on paper (or whatever is legally needed)
Transformation of legal prose in smart contract or ricardian contract

Store of Hash of written will in the Blockchain or in a safe database
Execution of your will on a given life event

Distribution of assets to the beneficiaries


JULY 2017-JULY 2017

SEPTEMBER 2017 2nd winner out of 24 Teams at Liberty Living Labs Hackathon Paris:Teambuilding

SEP‍ 2017-OCT 2017
Participation at Public Hearing ('consultation publique') in France

NOVEMBER 2017 Semifinalistat the Blockchain Competition in Insuretech,(Zug, Switzerland)

NOV 2017-JAN 2018
Proof of concept at Hacking Law Legal Tech Hackathon Berlin

JANUARY 2018 Proof of concept with a major european life insurance company

JAN 2018-MARCH 2018
First prototype at CL + B-Fest Hackathon in Paris on github.

APRIL 2018 Cooperation with Contract Vault, Zug

APR‍ 2018-APR‍2018
Cooperation talks with a major german fintech platform.

MAY 2018 Cooperation talks with a major worldwide App Building Studio based on Ethereum.

Launch Landingpage

OCTOBER 2018 Whitepaper and prototype

1st-24th Private Pre-Sale and MVP

JANUARY-MARCH 2019 Public sale (planned)

JAN‍ 2019-JUN 2019
Alpha version

MARCH 2020 Beta version

Let help support this great vision through donations in other to help it run smoothly.

BTC: 1DiGG4P2LEcmLP6i8B9rbe3CCMYcKrfbfc

LTC: LbTJS2y95TXxeX1E6WYVzz8uqUgzwCWiL9

ETH/ERC-20: 0x1dFf6069832693f752fa8Ab3f84fC19C76a4A79F

Useful Links

official website






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